Chapter 17

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Carson p.o.v

After spending the night at Lizzie's apartment I decided to go home and confront my parents, I still can't believe Lizzie said yes to going on a date with me fair to say I have a few ideas of what to do for our first date. Before I left I had some breakfast with Lizzie and Annalise so I didn't go hungry I gave Lizzie her brother's clothes back when I got mine back, I didn't want to go home last night after telling Lizzie what happened so I was glad when she let me stay for the night I slept on the surprisingly comfy couch. I've just arrived back home to find my parents and Aspen in the living room probably waiting for me...with my P.O officer, shit I forgot I was might go see that ass this morning. Of course, he asks me where I was so I told him that I was with a friend and of course, he didn't seem to believe me until he checked my tracker that's is my phone band to see that I was telling the truth. When I did my usual check-in stuff he finally left, mum asked me if I wanted some breakfast I said that I'd already eaten and I want to talk to both her and dad, so dad called a family meeting for all of us. We all sat down at the dining room table, I could tell Aspen is still mad about it as she sits down with her arms crossed her chest.

Atlas (dad) - so I understand this will be hard for you two so we are prepared to answer any questions you may have.

Aspen beats me into asking the first question.

Aspen - Is this the first time you've cheated on dad, mum? And how could you do this to our family?

Rosette (mum) - yes it was the first time Aspen 

Aspen doesn't look convinced by that answer.

Carson - How long did the affair going on for?

Rosette (mum) - it started the 5th month of your sentence and it lasted for about 6 months I would like to explain my actions, you see me and your father haven't been in love for a long time now matter how hard we tried, there was no love or connection between us.

Atlas (dad) - your mother is right there hasn't been any love for a long time. and with that being said, we have decided to get a divorce since it's not fair for either of us to be together.

Aspen lets out an upset gasp so to comfort her I take her hand then mum says...

Rosette (mum) - but that doesn't mean that we don't love you two and it will be an adjustment for sure.

Aspen - so what now?

Atlas (dad) - well...we have already put in for the divorce, you mun will stay in the house while I move out to my own place. And we still want a relationship with you two if that's what you want.

Both me and Aspen nod yes of course we would a relationship with our father and our mother but it will take a while for us to work over the issues.

Aspen - but mum I have a question.

Rosette (mum) - what would that be Aspen?

Aspen - do you love the guy?

I have to admit a part of me wants to know that too but since I know who they are talking about and I know why he was in prison so I don't know if I should tell mum or not but mum answers Aspen's question anyway.

Rosette (mum) - yes I do but I haven't seen him for a while now.

Mum looks really upset so maybe it's better if I don't say anything right now about Greg, dad said he was moving out so does that mean they have been working on this for a while?

Carson - dad?

Dad looks at me.

Atlas (dad) - yes Carson?

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