Chapter 7

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Lizzie p.o.v.

We would have taken the warthog but unfortunately, the engine wouldn't start so we had to walk and that was hard for Ray since he was limping Greg was trying to help him but Ray is being stubborn about it. While we were walking myself and Carson started talking and we seem to be bonding even more, Ray keeps making inappropriate comments toward me but I just ignore them I am more worried about his actions than his words as he walks ahead of us with Greg and Jerome, then I ask him something that has been on my mind for a while.

Lizzie - can I ask you something?

Carson - sure, if I can ask you one afterward?

Lizzie - yeah that's fine, ok so my question is what were you in prison for?

Carson - oh that...well it is a long story.

Lizzie - we have a long walk and I promise not to judge you.

He looks at me with a relieved look on his face before nodding then he sticks his hands into his pockets and tells me why he was in prison.

Carson - my little sister was taken by some bad men, we found her a week later only to find that they badly beat her and violently sexually assaulted her so I hunted them down and found that they had more girls. So I killed the gang members to save the girls. I was charged with Manslaughter and got a sentence of 10 years.

Wow, I didn't expect that he did that to get revenge for his sister and to save the other girls, by the look on his face and by the sound of his heartbeat he is telling the truth and I believe him.

Lizzie - how much time have you done?

Carson - 4 years so I have 6 years left but after doing this I will probably get more time.

I swear our justice system is messed up sometimes, I wonder if there is something I could do to help him, but first off...

Lizzie - so what was your question for me?

Carson goes embarrassed as he runs his fingers through his hair.

Carson - well I was wondering who that guy was that you were with...but I won't force you into telling me if you don't want to.

Maybe it will do me good to get off my chest and Carson is the only one out of them that I trust so here goes nothing.

Lizzie - he's my so-to-be ex.

Carson raises an eyebrow

Carson - so-to-be?

Lizzie - I found out that he has been sleeping with my roommate.

Carson - oh I am sorry to hear that.

Lizzie - don't be I lost all my feelings for him ages ago so she can have him.

Since we have been talking for a while we fell behind a bit so Greg shouted at us to move it, we quickly catch up with them. We had been walking all day before we come up to a farmhouse but we were in for a shock as there are dead bodies all over the house and by the looks of it the Covenant had been here not too long ago. Unfortunately, Greg wanted us to stay the night here and made me clean the place up it was a good thing that Carson helped me even tho it was hard for us when we found the bodies of some children.

Carson - and here I thought humanity was bad.

Lizzie - from my experience some can be but some work towards a better tomorrow.

I find out more about Carson as we clean up the blood he is only a year older than me and I tell him about my family but leaving out the part about my mum and asshole stepdad since it's just the two of us. I couldn't believe my eyes when he took his shirt off to clean the blood off his hands...wait why the hell I am feeling butterflies in my stomach? I've never felt them before, it's not like I've never seen men's abs before could I really be falling for him? After we finish cleaning ourselves up we go into the farmhouse to rest for the night. Greg took or should I say "stole" some dehydrated food from the warehouse we were in so we didn't go without food. Later on, that night while all of us were resting I am awakened by feeling some weight on top of me, opening my eyes I see who it is...Ray and he has a shiv in his hand, how the hell is he even moving anyway?

Ray - don't move pretty girl I would hate to cut that pretty face of yours.

Calmly I tell him.

Lizzie - I will give you one chance to get the fuck off me or you will regret it.

He quietly lets out a laugh putting the shiv to my throat and with his free hand he has reached for my breast and is now squeezing it and then he starts ripping my top, ok now I am going to have to hurt him but before I could move...


Without warning, Carson pulls Ray off me, throws him to the ground, and starts punching him in the face over and over which causes Greg and Jerome to quickly wake up and quickly separate them.

Greg - get to explain why the fuck you are punching my brother?!

Carson is in a rage as he yells back into Greg's face.

Carson - he was trying to rape Lizzie!!

Greg's eyes widen before he looks at me as I try to cover myself, Carson must have noticed my discomfort because he stands in the way blocking Greg's view of me then says something I didn't expect.

Carson - you guys can go wherever you want but I will be heading back to New Alexandria with Lizzie and handing myself in.

Jerome speaks up next before Greg could say anything.

Jerome - Carson's right, the longer we stay out here the more time we will get added to our sentences.

Greg - I've got a 14 years sentence I would rather spend the next of my life on the run than go back and Ray is staying with me so I can keep an eye on him.

Carson - you aren't doing a very good job of it, if he nearly raped Lizzie now are you?

Ray - oh please she wants me.

Carson goes to lunge at Ray but I stand up and grab his arm stopping him which causes him to look back at me and I shake my head no, telling him not to do it before I look at Greg and Ray.

Lizzie - no I don't actually in fact I don't even like you.

Ray growls at me and goes to step toward us but  Greg stops him.

Greg - fine, in the morning we will go our separate ways but I hope you two know what you were doing.

Greg takes Ray into the other room and we can hear them about how Ray has to control himself around women, I roll my eyes as I shake my head before I look at Carson who has a look of concern on his face while Jerome goes to keep an eye out.

Carson - are you ok?

Lizzie - yeah I am ok, thank you for that.

Carson - no problem anytime, by the way, I hope you didn't mind me asking that you were gonna come with me.

I shake my head it was nice of him to stand up for me like that even tho I could have dealt with Ray myself but I was happy he did that, as we fall back to sleep I feel a bit sad that when we reach New Alexandria I wouldn't be able to see him again but maybe I could do something about that.

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