Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Harry and Annee ^^»»

Video of Ariana Grande [Tori] Laughing at side. Its short >>

*Harry's POV*


"Harry.." I was shaken a bit.

"Harry. I'm going out for a bit." I heard a soft voice say. I lazily opened one eye to see Tori looking at me with her big brown eyes, biting her lip.

"Where you going?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Just going for a walk." She smiled at me. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, getting concerned.

"Yes, I just need to clear my head. You go back to sleep." She smiled. I nodded and she kissed my head.

"Love you, Harry." I heard before the door shut. I yawned and snuggled down again.


I sat watching TV. My lip and cheekbone were pretty swollen but it didn't hurt as much as yesterday and I didn't bother hiding it with makeup again.

"Hey T." I smiled as she sat beside me. 

"Hey Harry. Apologized to your mum yet?" She asked me.

"No. She's not awake yet." I shrugged. 

"I'm sure she is. I saw her when I was leaving." Tori bit her lip.

"It's okay. I'll apologize later." I told her. 

"Harry you have to do it soon. Anne cares a lot about you." She said to me. I sighed and looked at her.

"How about I go apologize now?" I asked her. She nodded.

I stood up and walked to the door. I turned back to see Tori playing with her hands. I remembered today was her mum's birthday.

"Your mum would be proud, T. I hope you know that." I said quietly. She looked up at me and smiled.

I walked upstairs to Mum's room and knocked on the door.  

"Come in." I heard her voice.

I opened the door. She was sitting on the bed using her laptop, her back against the heard board.

"Hey Mum." I said sitting beside her on the bed.

She shut her laptop and placed it on the bedside table.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have lost my temper. I promised you that I wouldn't do that anymore. I'm also really sorry for shouting at you and making you cry. I am sorry that I let you down." I apologize. I felt ashamed.

"It's okay Harry. I know you didn't mean it. I shouldn't have shouted at you either. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bad mother. I feel like when you and Gemma were younger I didn't teach you everything I should have." She sighed running a hand in her.

"Mum, don't say that. Don't blame yourself. It's my fault." I told her, trying to make her feel better.

"One day Harry, you're going to get in trouble or you're going to get hurt because of your behaviour. Promise me you'll try your best-"

"I promise." I said, cutting her off. She held my hand and squeezed it.

"How are things with Tori?" Mum asked me.

"Things are amazing right now but she's going through a rough time so I think I'll give her some space." I told mum.

"Really? What happened?" She asked me worriedly.

Smile  [H.S]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang