Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter thirty four

Louis and Eleanor ⬆➡


I twirled my Mum's wedding ring round my finger.

"You alright?" Harry asked me. I looked up at him and nodded.

As okay as I could be that my boyfriend was leaving.

The boys were leaving on tour so we were at the airport until they left.

We had about half an hour before they had to go.

The rest of the boys had disappeared off with their girlfriends but Harry and I stayed in the waiting area.

I was curled up beside him with my head on his shoulder. He had one arm round me and he was holding my iPhone in the other.

"ACHOOO!" Harry sneezed, scaring me and knocking my glasses off my face. I adjusted my glasses.

I couldn't be bothered putting my contacts on so I decided to wear my glasses today.

"Jesus Harry. Bless you." I sighed.

"Sorry T." He put his arm round me again.

"If you have a cold, then you shouldn't be going off on tour. You should stay here so I can take care of you." I said hopefully.

"Tori.. You know I have to go." He looked down to me.

"I know." I said quietly.

 Harry handed me back my phone before pulling his own iPhone out. 

"Take a picture with me." Harry said.

"I look horrible." I said gesturing to my face. 

I was also wearing denim shorts and Harry's Jack WIll's with black TOMS.

"I like you better without makeup. Natural beauty." Harry smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Please. For me, before I go." He pleaded.


"Come on." He had his front camera on and He pulled me closer to him.

I smiled as he snapped the picture.

"You're so awkward Tori." He laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, taking another picture.

"Upload to Twitter.." Harry tapped on his phone.

"NO!" I grabbed it off him and shoved it in my bra.

"This phone is mine now." I said crossing my arms.

"I will reach in there and grab it." Harry laughed. I raised a brow.

"And I will feel you up while I'm at it." He winked.

"Dirty Pig!" I said, handing him his phone.

"Mmm. Warm." He closed his eyes, rubbing it on his cheek.

"That's gross." I laughed, nudging him. He opened his eyes, laughing with me.

I saw a flash from the corner of my eye and turned around.

"What's up babe?" Harry asked, concerned.

"The paps are here." I told him.

He followed my gaze to a couple paps walking around a corner.

"How did they find us?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. Just ignore them." Harry said, rubbing my back. I nodded.

Smile  [H.S]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें