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Song > > Right Now (One Direction)


*Tori's POV*

"You're an idiot Harry!" I yelled down the stairs at him.

"You're the one screaming your head off over socks! SOCKS!" He yelled back. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not just the socks. You completely ignore EVERYTHING I say." I shouted.

"Sorry Mum. But maybe it's becuase all you ever say is shit. " He replied sarcastically.

"Stop acting like an asshole." I told him.

"As soon as you stop being a bitch." He shot back.

That's how all out fights started, lately. Every little thing that the other person did would start a  fight.

But I was tired of it all. We've been fighting for weeks and things have only been getting worse. Everyone had noticed the changed between Harry and I. We weren't as close and sappy as before but we never fought in front of the others.

But now I had enough. We had been fighting for too long and I just waned to sort everything out.

"Harry we need to sort this." I spoke as I made my way down the stairs. I stopped when I noticed Harry putting his jacket on.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I didn't realize I needed your permission to leave the house" He snapped.

"You need to calm down. I only asked you where you were going." I answered.

"Because it's none of your business." Harry picked up his bag.

"You are being so immature." I shook my head.

"That's big, coming from you." Harry laughed bitterly as he opened the door.

"Just go. I don't even care." I walked away as I heard the door slam behind me.


I sat on the sofa watching TV while Harry was in the shower after returning from the gym. I played with my short hair. A few weeks after returning from Italy, I had decided to cut it and redye it red.

 Harry's phone started ringing on the table. I leaned over to look at the called ID.

Kendall J x

Leave it Tori. It's probably nothing. I told myself. But it continued vibrating and I couldn't help myself.

"Hello? Tori speaking." I answered the phone

"Hey, It's Kendall. Is Harry there?" Kendall asked me.

"He's in the shower at the moment. Want me to leave a message?" I said to her.

"Yeah. Um.. Just tell Harry that I'll be in London for longer than I thought and I said Thanks." Kendall replied.

"Okay, will do." I answered.

"Thanks, bye!" Kendall hung up.

I placed Harry's phone back on to the table. Why was she thanking him.

I fidgeted with my fingers for a while before picking up Harry's phone, unlocking it and going onto his messages.

I clicked and Kendall's name and read through. I read a couple from last week;

Kendall: Thanks for coming over, by the way.

Harry: It's fine. Just keep it on the down low.

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