Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

*Tori's POV*

I opened my eyes to see Harry sleeping beside me. His eyes were closed but his lip were slightly apart. He was breathing gently.

I rolled over and picked up my phone from the counter. 8.30am. Crap!

I jumped out of bed, regretting it as my head was pounding. I found my dress on a chair and quickly put it on. I turned around to see Harry sitting up smirking.

"Did you watch me change?" I asked, putting my shoes on. He nodded. I rolled my eyes.

"What happened last night. I don't remember anything at all." I said standing up and running my fingers through my hair. Harry furrowed his brow.

"Nothing important. I'll fill you in later. Where are you going?" he asked. I sat beside him on the bed.

"I have a photo-shoot at 9. Can you drive me home?" I asked him. He nodded and pulled me closer to him, kissing me. I pulled back.

"Harry I'm in a rush. This is not the time." I groaned. He just smirked and kissed me again. He got out of bed and put a shirt on.

"Fine but when do you finish?'' he asked, picking up his keys from the counter. I picked up my phone and my purse.

"Around 12.30, why?" I said walking to the door with him.

"I have a surprise for you later and I have to tell you something." He said biting his lip.

"Okay but lets just go. I don't wanna get fired." I said rushing out the door.

I rushed into the car. I must have looked a mess but Harry just grinned and started driving.


Today had been the longest day ever. My new boss Karen Gilbert, was so strict. Everything had to be perfect, in her eyes. She didn't like it when I laughed because it was 'high pitched and irritating'  but that was me, I laughed all the time.

I worked, posing, for hours with no break. Harry also didn't help. he kept texting me cheesy things which made me laugh. Eventually I was able to leave for the day and go home.

I put my key in the lock and opened the door. I hung my jacket up and walked into the living room and got the shock of my life. Harry was laughing with my dad. My dad was there.

"Padre!" I said running to him. He stood up and stretched his arms out.

"La mia principessa." (my princess) he said, hugging me tight. Harry smiled at us.

"You're friend here spoke to me on the phone and managed to negotiate a way for me to come over. I couldn't say no." Dad told me as we sat down.

I mouth a 'Thank you'' to Harry and he shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"I have to go and meet the boys but enjoy your day." Harry said standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek before heading to the door.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked. Papi took out 2 tickets from his pocket.

"Harry planned for us to watch a movie. Blended, I think. I have to leave a couple hours after the movie to get back." he said. I stood up.

"Lets get going then. We can take my car." I said excitedly.

We both left the house and went into the car

"That boy - Harry. He's in that famous boy band One Direction, right?" My dad asks. I nodded and continued driving to the cinema. When we got there Papi bought popcorn and we went into the theatre.


After the movie papi and I came out laughing.

"I loved that, it was fantastic." he smiled. I laughed, remembering it.

"Yeah, me too. If you have time we can go out for lunch?" I asked. He looked at his watch.

"Anything for my Principessa." he said, putting and arm round me.

I drove to a small cafe near the airport, so it would be easy to drop him off. He ordered a cup of coffee and a burger. I just got a salad. We sat down at a booth.

"You're having a salad? You usually eat more than me." Papi said.

"My boss insisted the I would look much better if i dropped a couple pounds." I said taking a bite of my tasteless salad.

"Hey chicka, If Karen Gilbert is a problem I can talk to her." Papi said seriously. I shook my head.

"It's fine. I can deal with her." I said.

"Okay, how about you and Blaine? I've not seen him in a while." My father smiled.

"Em.. Papi, we broke up. He was with Kelsey." I told him. He shook his head.

"Idiot. That explains where Harry comes in. You know,  I heard girls are all over him, all the time, and he doesn't seem to be pushing them away. If anything happens, I want you to be careful." Papi told me. I nodded.

"I have to go now but I have something for you." he pulled out a gold ring. It was just a simple band.

"This was your mum's wedding ring." he gave me the band.

"Thank you so much Papi. I promise to take care of it." I put it on my finger and admired it.

"I'll call you soon." I stood up and hugged him tight.

"Stay strong, sweetie. Your mother would be proud of you." he whispered. I nodded and hugged him tighter.

I walked with him outside then we went our separate ways.

I got in my car excitedly and drove straight to Harry's place.

*Harry's POV*

I opened the door to see an excited Tori. She jumped on me, squashing me in a hug.

"Thank you so much for bringing my dad here." She told me, finally getting off me.

"It's no problem." I laughed,

"I have to tell you something anyway." I said, pulling her to the living room where the rest of the boys were sitting.

She sat beside me on the sofa. Her long red hair was flowing to he waist and her eyes sparkled. She smiled excitedly.

"Okay, so tell me the news" she said.

"Well. I have to go to America." I told her. Her face fell and she frowned at me.

"You're going to come back though, arent you?" she asked. I laughed.

"Of course we are. Management just want us to go to an interview and a celebrity party to make an appearence." I told her. She smiled again.

"Thats a good thing. I would be lost without my Hazza." she said, kissing my cheek.

I laughed, holding her close.

Blaine > >

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