Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter 39

Zerrie ⬆➡

*Tori's POV*

"I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you even more, Principessa but you have to let go of me or I'll miss my flight." Papi laughed.

"Oh sorry." I laughed slightly. I watched as Papi put his last suitcase in the trunk of car before walking back to me.

"Listen Tori. You and Harry will go through a rough time. A really rough time. It's normal for every relationship. The only difference is how you handle it." Papi told me.

"What do you mean?" I crossed my arms.

"I know you can be quite.. stubborn and so can Harry. But if you really want to last together you have to stick together." Papi explained.

"And what if that doesn't work." I asked.

"If it doesn't work then there's nothing you can do about it. But if you love each other, you'll always find a way back to each other." Papi finished.

I nodded slightly.

"I really need to get going now." Papi opened the car door.

"Okay. Call me when you land. Don't over work yourself at work. Don't go to the gym too much. Don't get into trouble with the police. Call me as soon as you get a chance. Oh, and don't forget about Ms Cozza." I rushed.

" I know, I know. And trust me, I won't forget her." Papi kissed my head before going into the car.


I turned to see everyone stand at the door waving.

"Arrivederci. Take care." Papi laughed.

"Ti amo principessa" Papi smiled.

"Ti amo, Papi."

Papi shut the car door and started the engine. I gave him one last wave as he drove away.

I felt an arm slide round my waist and instantly knew it was Harry. We both walked inside the house shutting the door behind is.

"I would kill to look that man when I'm his age." Niall spoke loudly.

"I think Zayn has the potential to look like him." Perrie said, examining Zayn's face.

"Are you Guys still going on about my dad?" I asked.

"He looks like a Greek god." Liam told me.

"An Italian god, payno. Italian." Louis corrected.

I looked at Harry for help.

"Sorry babe but they're right." He smirked.

"What should we do for the rest of the night?" I asked them.

"Let's stay in tonight and go out tomorrow." Danielle said.

"Sounds good to me." Zayn shrugged.

"We can watch movies. I brought a few DVDs." I told them.

"Fabulous. Tori get your movies. Payzer make popcorn or some sort of food. Zerrie get the blankets from the spare room." Eleanor commanded.

Everyone groaned but got up to do their assigned tasks.


"He's a douchebag." I shook my head at the movie.

"No no. The girl is just over dramatic." Harry shook his head.

"Dramatic my ass." Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"She cries for every little thing." Louis said, annoyed.

"He cheats on her 24/7. She bound to be upset." Maria spoke.

"The lass doesn't even care about the cheating. She just wants attention." Niall told us.

"I'm agreeing with my girls." Danielle spoke up.

"This always happens when we watch movies together." Liam groaned.

I looked at Zayn and Perrie, who were suspiciously quiet, to find them cuddling and whispering on a sofa.

They were genuinely the cutest couple I has ever met and made me jealous of their relationship. I mean, they were even engaged.

"You think we'll last?" I whispered to Harry while the others were still arguing.

"I really do. I'll make sure of it." Harry kissed the side of my head.

I nodded but I was still think about what Papi said. Harry and I had been through a lot but there was so much more to come. Especially as we were both young and well known.

"I love you, noob." Harry whispered.

"I love you, idiot." I smiled.

Harry's right. We can do it. Together.

Zerrie > >


Last Chapter Guys!

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