Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five


"Tonight let's get some! AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!"

I fist pounded the air as the song ended. The audience went crazy.

We were in Los Angeles, our first day performing here out of 4. The tour had been amazing so far and I loved every moment of it.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket as I walked over to Liam.  I sighed, pulling it out of my pocket.

Tori❤ Calling

"2 secs." I told Liam, walking to the side of the stage.

"Hey babe." I answered, speaking loudly over the noise.

"Hey Harry. Sorry, I had no idea you were on stage. Time differences suck." She said over the phone.

"It's cool. We're just ending so how about I skype you in about 10 minutes?" I asked her.

"Sure. Okay I'll se--"

The phone was suddenly pulled out of my grasp. I turned around to see Zayn running with my phone in his hand.

"Guess who's having a secret conversation with his girlfriend at the back of the stage!" Zayn shouted to the audience, sticking his tongue out at me. 

The audience screamed loudly, my cheeks flushing slightly.

"Zayn give it back." I said walking over to him. He threw it to Louis before I could reach him.

"What are you lil shits up t' now?" Niall walked over.

"They stole my phone when I was talking to Tori." I explained.

"Oh, Tori's on? PUT IT ON LOUDSPEAKER LOU!" Liam shouted. The crowded cheered, agreeing with him.

"Okay. Wait." Louis tapped my phone for a minute.

"Victooriaa." He sang. "Say hi to everyone."  Louis held the microphone to the speakers of the phone.

"Hi Guys!" Tori shouted, her beautiful voice filling the arena.

"TORI!!" The crowded cheered loudly, making her giggle.

"Louis, Can you give Harry the phone back now?" She asked him, her voice still filling the room.

"Fine, fine." He rolled his eyes, throwing his pone over to me.

"I wish you'd stop throwing my phone. It's precious." I scolded the boys before taking the phone off loud speaker and walking to the side of the stage.

"Sorry about that, T" I apologized for the boys' behaviour.

"Its alright Harry. Sometimes, I get worried that they are bullying my baby." She giggled.

"They are. It's because I'm the youngest." I pouted, even though she couldn't see me.

"And the silliest. I should let you get back but remember to skype me." She told me.

"How could I forget to see your beautiful face?" I asked her.

"You charmer. See you later." She laughed.

"Okay. Love you." I said, before hanging up.

I went back on stage for one last song; What makes you beautiful.

"L.A YOU WERE AMAZING! THANK YOU AND SEE YOU NEXT TIME!" Liam cheered after the song.

We all took a bow and waved before running off stage, full of adrenaline.

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