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Samanan Anantrakul, looking at her secretary with disdain. They had spent the night together last night, but it didn't seen to have any effect on that woman.

"Please sign this, Khun Sam" said Mon loudly, she was annoyed by Khun Sam's attitude who constantly watched her every move. Khun Sam smiled crookedly, apparently Mon was still trying to act professional in her office.

Khun Sam teased her little bit.

But it was really didn't affect that woman after three hours, she teased that woman.

Khun Sam cursed her plan that didn't go smoothly, every movement of Mon's body seemed to tease her, she couldn't hold it in anymore, something in her body was already rebelling to want to be finished, she remembered Mon's beautiful body curves, especially Mon's voice that kept babbling and calling her name.

Mon was really hot last night. Seeing Khun Sam, who was not as usual made Mon even more uncomfortable being in her office. She remembered about last night but pretended didn't remember it.

"I will make a copy of this document" Mon stood up from her seat and rushed out from Khun Sam's office. Arriving outside, Mon took a deep breath. Mon tried her best to act normal to her boss, but her brain became unfocused inside. She still remembers the incident, where she woke up beside the woman A.K.A her own boss this morning with naked bodies.


Khun Sam tapped her finger on the desk several times, impatiently she pulled out the phone and pressed the button directly to called her personal assistant.

Mon was unusually slow in carrying out her orders. It seems Mon hasn't returned back, yet she tries to call Mon with her cell phone.

"How about the task I gave you?" asked Khun Sam impatiently.

"Mr. Franz already signed the contract"

Khun Sam's smile widely. She really had chosen a reliable secretary. Besides being smart, Mon also has a beautiful face and soft spoke. But there is only one weakness of Mon, she is too stiff and can't be talked to other than work problems.

"Good, quickly bring the documents here" Khun Sam said satisfied.

"But Khun Sam, Mr Franz invites you to meet at the club tonight, he doesn't like the office atmosphere, if you don't come. He will tear up the cooperation contract" Khun Sam sighed, it turned out that the old fat man was really going to make things difficult for her.

"Say to him I'll be waiting at the club tonight at 10 pm. I will give you address later, you can give it to him"

"Ok" Mon sighed. It looks like , she will be working late again tonight, she immediately sat back in the cafe chair.

In front of her now, a 46 year old man in casual clothes. Mon smiled at the man.

"How?" asked the man casually, drinking a sip of coffee that stills look like smoke is gathering there.

"Khun Sam said she will waiting for you at the club. She will give the address later.

"Okay, beautiful woman. I'll return this paper when we at the club tonight. Ah yes, yesterday when I was holiday in Canada, I remembered you, use this tonight" Mon accepted the paper bag with hesitation.

"You don't have to give me this" Mon said trying to refuse.

"It suits you, beautiful woman" he said a little teasingly. Mon just give him smile only, even though her heart was already screaming at the masher.

"Then, I have to go back to the office, sir. Goodbye" said Mon after gave him address club.

One Night Stand With My CEO, SamWhere stories live. Discover now