11 | last one standing

Start from the beginning

"Mr P!" JJ calls.

"Hey!" Mr P greets with a wide smile. "What's up, man?"

"Hey, so we're actually looking for Neville. Is he still here?" JJ asks.

"No, he's out in his houseboat. He's been holding up near Doe Creek." Mr P informs.

"Okay. Thanks, man." JJ replies.

Satisfied with that information, the teenagers turn to walk away from the farmers and make their way over to the river that resides next to the large fields. Not a single person chooses to take any notice of the three since they aren't bothering anyone, continuing with their work instead. Fortunately, the trio prefer this because they don't have the time to be stopped and questioned for their actions, needing to find Neville Persaud as quickly as possible.

Carefully pushing past the greenery that belongs to the tall trees and the overgrown bushes, they stand on the muddy bank that borders the river. John B is quick to step down into the murky waters, not caring that it's soaking into his clothes because all of them have done this so many times before now. JJ follows closely behind him, turning around to hold a hand out for Delilah to take; the mud is slippery, and he's afraid that she will fall and possibly hurt herself in the the process. With a warm smile, Delilah places her hand in his, allowing him to help her step down into the river and join them.

"Thank you, kind sir." Delilah playfully says.

"Anything for a beautiful princess." JJ replies with a grin.

"You guys make me want to throw up." John B mutters.

"Your face makes me want to throw up." Delilah counters.

"You know, I don't know why you ever doubted me with this plan to begin with, John B." JJ comments.

"The idea was a little far-fetched is all that I'm going to say." John B reasons.

To their right, a single houseboat is seen floating on top of the water, unmoving. Delilah stares at it to try to find any sign of movement inside the houseboat, silently contemplating whether Neville is actually in there. However, suddenly, JJ starts to shout for the man, hoping that he will somehow receive some kind of sign in response. But John B quickly slaps a hand over JJ's mouth and stops him from continuing with his shouts. JJ just shoves him away with a glare.

"What?" JJ hisses.

"What are you talking about, 'what'?" John B fires back, irritated. "He thinks people are trying to kill him! He's probably packing."

"Right." JJ quietly says with a short nod. "It's a death trap."

"Yeah, but we don't have much of a choice. He's the only guy alive who knows where my dad is." John B states.

Without hesitation, John B then shifts from his place and kicks off the soft floor to swim through the river. Delilah and JJ exchange glances at each other before they follow after their best friend, knowing that they will both continue to help him find his dad no matter what. The trio swims to the houseboat together, not caring if their heads fall beneath the water's surface because it keeps them hidden from any onlookers.

Once they eventually reach the houseboat, they grab ahold of the ladder and climb onboard, one after the other. Delilah slowly walks forward, keeping her eyes darting everywhere to keep a careful eye out. The girl doesn't like how eerily quiet it is on the boat, and she knows that if Neville has already been taken hostage by Singh's men, then they are screwed and are at risk of being in danger themselves.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now