25. haunted history

Start from the beginning

"You are very brave, Blaise," she suddenly said, her lavender eyes glowing with pride. "It seems you have not forgotten how to be valorous." She extended her wings from her back, stretching them out for all to see. I admired how bright the crimson color was on the tips of her feathers; mine had faded over time.

The Phoenix placed a warm hand on my cheek. "Come, my child. I have much to show you and so little time to." Her fingers dropped from my face and wrapped around my hand instead. "Let us begin our journey. Are you ready?"

I nodded. "I am."

She gave me a small smile as she placed her warm hand in my cold one, lacing our fingers together. She closed her eyes while mine stayed opened, wondering what she was going to do next.

Her lips moved quickly as she uttered foreign and unfamiliar words. How did she know them and I didn't? I had no idea.

The Phoenix's chant became quicker and more aggressive. The wind started to pick up, making some of the leaves fall from the tree above us. I would imagine if I were in reality, I would shiver from the cold breeze. Instead I felt nothing.

A light started to grow from our joined hands and I began to feel wary. What was she doing?

"Ora si vedrá," she whispered, her lips brushing the shell of my ear. "Now you will see."

I closed my eyes, her sweet tone causing me to drift into a peaceful void.

↣ ↣ ↣

When I opened my eyes again, I was alone.

Panic rose in my chest. Where was the Shadow Phoenix? From what I understood, she was supposed to be my guide... and now she has left me stranded. But stranded where?

I surveyed my surroundings, noticing that I wasn't in the Dark Ages anymore, let alone Italy.

No, I was in a different place completely.

A brick mansion stood in front of me, where soldiers stood guard but paid no attention to me. I was still invisible to the real world... I was still dead.

Voices jolted me from my inner anguish. I whirled around to see two teenagers around the age of seventeen holding hands and running towards me.

The boy was beautiful; his short, black hair contrasting against his angelic skin. He towered over the girl who shared his beauty. The girl's smile spread from ear to ear, shining with pride and confidence. They ran right through me, their hands never breaking apart.

The girl's laugh rang through the air like a bell as the boy tripped, bringing her down with him. They gazed at each other as they sat on the gravel driveway leading to the mansion, looking into each other's eyes like they could see into their lover's soul.

My heart swelled for the couple. Innocent love was something I had always wished for, yet never received.

I was called the Shadow Phoenix for a reason: there is no innocence in death.

Just grief.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me disappeared in an instant, only to be replaced by another. Instead of being outside, I stood in a room. The same boy from earlier lay on the mattress of his four-poster bed, his body limp and weak. The girl kneeled next to him, holding his hand and dabbing the sweat off his forehead with a cold towel.

It was only then did I realize who the couple was.

I stumbled backwards, my balance failing when the shock hit me. No one noticed when I tumbled to the floor, watching in horror as the two lovers conversed.

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