It's a little spooky how Adder's lower half blends seamlessly with the fallen leaves. If someone unaware of the monster's true nature were to come across this scene, they might just be transfixed by what appeared to be a beautiful man resting in the sun.

Feeling a little creepy for drooling over the sleeping gorgon, Eben shuffles his feet.

Adder perks up, turning his head towards the sound. There's a flick of a forked tongue in the air before he smiles. "Hello Eben, did you enjoy the water?"

"I did. It was refreshing after running around Nǣdre Tor all day"

"Did you get to participate in the festival of Demeterra?"

Eben takes a seat beside Adder, admiring how the dappled sunlight dances across vibrant scales. "No, I didn't see the appeal of chasing some strange woman all day. Not to mention, if I had won, they would've locked me in a barn overnight with her! How is that fun?"

Adder chuckles. "It's not some strange woman you chase, it's the proxy of Demeterra. And you're only locked overnight with her if she chooses you."

The gorgon pauses as he stretches sinuously. "It's not meant to be fun, it symbolizes Demeterra going to rest while humanity sows the seeds of change."

"Sowing the seeds of change," Eben snorts, "sounds like an excuse to fuck in a barn. Do we need a festival for that? I've done that multiple times without it being celebrated."

Adder makes a choked noise. "Eben! It's not—they don't—it's a holy festival! "

Eben rolls his eyes, forgetting the gorgon can't see them. "So you're telling me if you were trapped in there with some beautiful man or woman you wouldn't seduce them?"

"No—well—" Adder stammers "nobody would ever have me..."

"Why wouldn't they?"

"Because they're afraid..."

Eben smirks, letting his eyes wander the toned form of the gorgon. "You'd be surprised how little fear intervenes when it comes to attraction. I'd bet you'd have your own harem if Father Sheppard didn't order everyone to stay away. I mean, you look like one of the Pantheon."

Adder pauses, the tip of his tail thrashing. Eben tenses, worried for a moment that he's angered the monster. However, the gorgon just twiddles with a strand of onyx hair nervously. "Do you really think of me that way?"

The half-elf watches as Adder fidgets. This conversation was going somewhere new...does he dare take things further? It was dangerous, surely... but Eben thrives off danger, so he continues.

"Of course. Have you really never been intimate with anyone?"

The half-elf observes the monster closely, fascinated, as color spreads on Adder's pale cheekbones.

"No... never."

Eben feels his own face heat up, barely even believing what he was about to say. "Well...if you want to find out what it's like, I wouldn't mind showing you."

Adder tilts his head questioningly, bells jingling. "Show me...?"

Eben flushes harder, glad Adder couldn't see his pink cheeks. How was this giant gorgon so innocent? "Sex, Adder. Or at least fooling around. Do you want to try it?"

Adder's tail thumps on the ground as he wrings his hands. "I—I can't I—Father Sheppard says—"

Eben huffs. "Father Sheppard isn't here, and I'm not about to tell him about my sexual escapades, so how would he ever find out? It's fine if you don't want to, it's just a suggestion."

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