A Time For Sorrow

Start from the beginning

"What are we going to do about Jacob?" George asked, "he is still in that grief phase and it's only going to get worse."

"We have to find a way to help him move on with life," Steven pointed out, "and I think our only hope is Bella, she has been a rock for him during this horrible ordeal."

"You think she could be his savior?"

Steven nodded, "Yes, she is special to him and I think eventually he will move on with life."

"What about the funeral," George looked concerned, "I'm not sure he will handle that very well!"

"I've handled all the details, her family wants her delivered back to Illinois, I'm preparing the jet, we can all go for the funeral tomorrow."


"How are you feeling today Jacob?" Bella who sat herself down on the couch next to him asked, "would you like to go for a walk on the beach?"

Jacob didn't answer, he just blinked and starred off into space.

Bella sighed, nothing she said to him ever since that awful day registered in his mind. "It's a beautiful day, I would love it if you accompany me for a walk."

Steven and George were in the hallway, listening to Bella trying to convince Jacob to go walking. No one had ever gotten a reaction from him since Carol's death.

"That's fine Jacob, I'll go walking by myself." Bella said, as she lifted herself to her feet and walked away.

"Wait!" Jacob called out, surprising Bella. She turned around and looked at him surprisingly. "I'll walk with you Bella."

Her mouth curved into a smile and she waited for Jacob to join her.

Placing his hand on George's shoulder, Steven held his breath, as he waited to see what Jacob was going to do.

Without hesitation Jacob hurriedly joined Bella and they both left the house and started walking down the shoreline. Abby stared at Claire with genuine surprise when they walked past them and headed out to the beach.

"Do you see what I see?" Abby asked Claire.

Nodding, Claire had tears in her eyes, "Maybe Bella is just what he needs to pull him out of his grief."


Jacob kept pace with Bella, as they walked barefooted on the white sandy beach. He was tormented in many ways, but the worst was the guilt he felt that he was relieved that Bella had survived the fire, and although he was devastated that Carol died in that disastrous fire, he was very happy that Bella was alive.

The guilt wrapped around his heart many times over and he couldn't seem to get past it. The problem was that he had secretly fallen in love with Bella many months ago, but he didn't want to admit it to himself. He loved Carol too, but not in the same way, and ever since she had passed away, he couldn't forgive himself.

"Tomorrow we are going to Illinois," Bella said, "how are you going to handle that Jacob, I know it will be hard for you."

Jacob closed his eyes and blinked away the tears that threatened to spill, "it's been devastating for me," Jacob admitted, "but life goes on."

Surprised by his admission, Bella smiled weakly and laced her fingers through his, "We are all by your side through this horrible ordeal, you're not alone Jacob."

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now