Chapter 19

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(Chapter song ‘Orinoco Flow' by Enya, ‘Kiss Me'  by MAGIC!)

“Kita.  I’m sorry if the other me hurt you…I don’t know what he did, but I take full responsibility…I fixing this…”  I say as she guides me into my office and shuts the door.
She turns to me and stands me in the center of the room.  “Don’t worry about him.  This concerns you as I believe you are the stronger of the two.” 
I furrow my brow.  “What?  What are you saying?” 
She shakes her head.  “I have to do this right.  First, I need to show you what I am and why you must trust my actions.” 
“Ok.”  I say cautiously. 
“I’m not a student, professor.  I’m much more and hopefully your answer to everything.”  She steps to my office bathroom.  “Just stay there.”  She holds a hand up as she goes in and shuts the door. 
I hear movement and a small light shines under the door.  I take a few curious steps before the door opens a crack. 
I try to see the in the crack.  “Kita?” 
My eyes drop when a tiny black nose pokes out, sniffing the air.
It’s followed by white muzzle.  A tall, but tiny blue ear twitches as long whiskers flick.   A gold eye meets mine and I wrap an arm around myself.  My other hand covers my mouth as I see a blue eye and a tiny white head.
“Oh my god.”  I breathe as I squat down to her.  She’s so small.  My wolf perks up and I feel his curiosity.  He barks and I push him back. 
She slowly steps out on thin blue legs and tiny blue paws.  Her head lowers as her white body exits the bathroom.  It practically shines and she’s so fluffy, I almost can’t stand it.
I lean my arms on my legs and run my fingers through my hair.  I put my hands in a prayer pose in front of my nose.  She’s so beautiful.
She slowly walks to me on four blue legs and sits in front of me.  Her sleek body barely comes over my knees.  Her blue tipped tail raises then fans out to six tails.  It surprises me and I fall to my ass.  I start to laugh as I grip my hair.
She smiles and tilts her little head. 
“This…this is amazing.”  I whisper as I get up and crawl to her.  “What…”
“Kitsune.”  She says.
Another wave of shock runs through me and I point to her.  “You can talk.”
“Yes, Graham.  I can.”  Her eyes practically smile as I watch her little fox lips move.
I drop on my but and raise a knee.  I rest an elbow on it and rub my mouth as I analyze her.  “This is incredible.  I mean, you look like a Vulpes lagopus…”
She tilts her head the other way.  “A what?”
I drop my hand and smile.  “An Artic fox, but you are so much more than that.  How?”
“Inari.”  She says.
“Inari?”  I question.
“The Japanese fox goddess.  She is like a mother which guides the fox spirit.  Not all foxes become Kitsune and I’m unsure why she chose me, but she placed me in charge of a very special place.   A place that is under threat.”  Her smile fades as she finishes her words. 
“I have a million questions, but what place?  What threat?”  I cinch my brows together as I ask.
It’s weird.  I know most would probably run for the hills at the sight of a talking fox, but for some reason, I trust her.  Maybe because I know what it feels like to be different.
“I can’t explain it all right now, but the reason I’m showing you who I am is…I need your help.”  Her whiskers twitch as her eyes enlarge and she stares into mine. 
I lean down to her nose.  “Me?  How can I possibly help you?” 
“First, with trust.  You need to trust me and my coming actions.”  She stands and places a paw on my leg.  Her tails twitch behind her and I’m in complete awe.  “You need to listen to what I say and know that everything I do will be for your protection.”
“Kita, what’s going on?  Does this have to do with the mirror world?”  I whisper to her. 
She slowly nods. 
I lean back and huff a breath.  I scrub my face.  “So I’m not nuts.  Somethings happening over there, isn’t it?” 
I've been hesitant on going to the guys with what I saw and what Destiny told me because I thought my brain fried, but now…
“Yes.”  She nods.  “There is some great evil over there and it is a threat here.”
“Rex.”  I grumble.
She nods again. 
I heave a breath and look around my office. 
“Rex needs you to cross over without destroying the cosmos.  We can’t let that happen.  We must fight back.”  She says. 
Panic sets in.  “No!  Oh no!”  I push her off and stand.  I walk toward my desk and turn.  “The last time I fought Eternity, I died!  No!”  I say harshly as I stare into her eyes.
She closes the gap and her nose is just off mine.  “I know your tragedy.  I know what Destiny did, though I don’t know why you ended like this.  Rex cannot win.  He cannot complete the bridge.  Only you can stop him with my help.” 
I nervously laugh.  “I can’t fight a cosmic gods are you kidding?  I can barely hold a coffee cup without shaking.”  I grab my coffee cup off my desk and hold it to her. 
She looks at it and tilts her head.  “Are you sure?”
I look down and my hand is steady as a rock.  I lift it to my eyes.  Excuse me?
“Where’s your glasses?”  She asks.
“I’m wearing th…”  I raise my hand to my face and they aren’t there.  Thinking back, I took them off in the hall because I couldn’t see.  I raise my eyes to the clear image of the fox smiling at me.  “I don’t believe it.” 
“Believe it.  You are becoming you, but you must try harder.  I will guide you as best I can.  Your counterpart is stubborn.  Hard-headed.  He doesn’t understand.  You can make him see.”  She says softly. 
“How can I…Wait…”  I look down at the floor then up to her eyes.  My brows raise as I point to her.  “You can fly.”
She looks down and back up.  Her little paws dangle underneath her as she floats in front of me.  “Yes…I can.” 
I slam the coffee cup down on my desk as my wolf goes nuts.  “Ok.  Before the end of the world stuff, we have to do something.” 
She arches a brow.  “What?” 


My wolf bolts through the trees.  He large paws hit the dirt and his tongue hangs out as he tears up the forest floor. 
In six years, I’ve never felt him so happy.  His excitement fills my mind as he leaps and spins in the trees.  He’s was always so terrified and now, it feels like the weight of the world is off his shoulders. 
The sound of flight comes from behind me and I look up. 
Kita laughs as she flies overhead. 
She turns up and disappears into the canopy.  My wolf barks twice and she rockets up to my side from behind.  She stops, matches my speed and flips on her back.  Her tails flowing out behind her.  She places her front paws behind her head, crosses her back legs like she’s lounging and smiles. 
‘Show off.’  I link with a smirk. 
She giggles, waves at me then jets off ahead as we turn through the trunks.  She does a loop over my head and drops behind me. Her tiny white fox body zooms through my legs and up my neck, catching me off guard and tripping me up.  My wolf growls a bark as she flies up and down ahead of me.
“SORRY!”  She laughs and my wolf shakes his head at the sight of her six tails disappearing down the path. 
She banks back and flies backwards in front of my nose.  Her nose comes close and her little tongue flicks out.  She licks my nose and my wolf loses it.  He jumps, spins and his tail wags a million miles a second. 
She giggles and flies around me in circles.  Her white fur becomes a blur before shooting up into the trees. 
Out of pure exhaustion, my wolf stops, drops and flops on his back.  He’s panting hard, but holy shit.  His elation is almost too much. 
Kita spins back, glides in for a landing and lays on her stomach.  Her back legs are kicked out and she props up on her elbow, her head rests on her paw.  She has an ear to ear grin.  “This was fun.”  She pants as she shifts back to the beautiful girl I’ve fallen for.
I shift and roll to my side.  “Yes, it was.”  I grab her head and slam my lips on hers.  She makes an oof sound that turns to a little moan as my tongue asks for entrance and glides past her soft, pouty lips.
I pull her on top of me and sit up with her wrapped in my arms.  I know this is my first time with her, but the feel of her body feels familiar and I’m loving it. 
My hand travels down to her ass and my other up to her nape.
Her lips dance with mine as my dick turns to stone.  Her arousal swims around my head and mixes with her scent.  My wolf feels almost loopy as he howls. 
“I want to make love to you.”  I mumble on her lips as my hand slides down her chest to her soft breast.  I squeeze it as I deepen my kiss.
“I want that too.”  She whispers. 
I reach down and find her slit.  She’s so wet, my dick hardens even more. 
“Yes, Graham.”  She moans into my shoulder as I kiss her neck. 
I rub her clit and she lifts up on her knees, arching back as she does. 
I run my lips all over her chest, cupping her breast and rolling her nipple in my teeth.  I lick across to the other one and suck on her breast as I rub her clit faster. 
“Yess!”  She holds her hair and lifts it on her head. 
Her beautiful body is on display for me and it’s driving me crazy.  I don’t know if it’s because she’s amazing or because of what she is, either way, I want all of her.  I think I actually feel what my Alter felt and I don’t blame him for going for it.  Kita's special.  More special than I could ever realize.
Her pussy soaks my fingers and I can’t wait.  I fist my dick and find her entrance.  “Come down on me, little fox.”  I pull her lips to mine as I push down on her hip.  My dick slides into the tightest pussy I’ve ever felt.  She takes me to the hilt and I growl on her lips.  She moans a gasp as her walls wrap around my girth.
Slowly, I raise her ass up and push her down, getting her used to my size.  I groan as I feel her ride my shaft. 
She rides faster and hangs onto my neck.  “Yesss!  So good!”  She leans back and rest a hand on my thigh. 
“Fuck…Kita…So fucking good…”
My body heats and my mind explodes at the feel of her succulent wet lips on my dick.  I watch her slide up and down and my eyes meet hers.  “Yeah, baby…That’s it…ride it.”  I pant.  Damn, she’s good. 
I cup her breast and watch her fuck me.  I feel her wetness soak my balls as her pussy tightens.
“YESSS!  GRAHAM!!!”  She screams to the treetops. 
“Shit!”  I grind as I feel my balls twitch.  Not yet.
I reach up, grab her and pull her down.  I roll her onto her back and rock my hips onto hers as I kiss the life out of her.  Her legs wrap around my chest and I growl when I feel how deep I am inside her.
She fists my hair and I nip the skin of her neck as I thrust into her harder and deeper. 
“So wet and tight.”  I mumble with a quiet purr as I grip her hair, pull her head back and bite her neck. 
“YESSS…OH GOD, YES!”  She screams. 
I lift my head and stare into her lust filled eyes.  “That feel good, baby.”  I breathe as I move her disheveled hair out of her face and kiss her.
“Yes, so good.”  She moans. 
“You want to come with me?”  I kiss her nose and lips. 
She bites her bottom lip and nods. 
“Give me that leg.”  I smirk with a growl. 
I pull up her leg and stroke her faster.  My dick pounds her pussy and I feel her shake. 
Her pussy is a vice on my cock and I clench my teeth as I fight to get her over the edge.  I want blow so bad, but her first. 
I suck her nipple and speed up my thrusts. 
“YESSS!  LIKE THAT!”  She arches back and claws my arms. 
“God…Come for me, baby!”  I growl in her ear. 
Her pussy becomes unbelievably tight and my balls slam up.  My muscles tense and my wolf loses his shit. 
Her orgasm rips through and mine explodes like a fucking volcano. 
I arch back and slam my release into her pussy and I grunt out my moans.  As satisfaction fills me, I feel something else.  Like my body splits in two and comes back together as one.  For a moment it confused me, but then my feelings for this spectacular creature seemed to double in my heart.  Like a part of me just became whole.  For now, I push it aside.  I want to enjoy this perfect moment.
My chest heaves as I pump out the last strokes and lower myself down to her swollen lips.  I kiss her hard and flop my sweat covered chest on hers. 
She wraps her arms around my neck and I lift us up.  I lean on a tree and brush the forest dirt off her back.  Straddled in my lap, she fixes my hair and stares into my eyes. 
I tilt my head and get lost in her.  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but for the first time since I’ve been back…Kita, I’m not scared.  I feel stronger and I don’t know why, but I feel like I have you to thank for it.” 
She places her hand in my cheek and smiles.  “The only thing I’m doing is loving you.  You are my charge.  I want to care for you.  Protect you.”
I softly smile as I slide a lock of her hair behind her gorgeous ear.  “I love you, too.”
I cup her cheek and pull her in for a passionate kiss.  The sounds of the forest fade and the only sound I hear is our hearts beating with desire and love.
I didn’t think it possible, but I truly believe that Kita is the therapy I need to fix me.  Somehow, I’m supposed to help her.  I don’t know how, but I’m damn well gonna try.  I feel a new found courage growing inside. 
Enough of pathetic, broken Graham.  This ends now.

Behind The Alpha Book 7 GrahamWhere stories live. Discover now