46. Pandvas

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"I object, Sushala can't marry you yet, Mitra."

Suyodhan rushed to Sushala and tried to pull her back. 

"What are you doing Bharata? I just want to marry him. What's the problem with that?"

Sushala became annoyed, She just wants to marry him, So he will also make a dress for him, Might also make one for Sushasan's brother, That way they will have a complete set to play with.

"No, You can't marry yet, When you grow up, I will personally arrange your wedding."

Suyodhan was not happy. He couldn't let her marry this soon. She was still a kid and their brothers needed her.

"Maa!!! See brother Suyodhan is bullying me, Tell him, I can marry, okay?"

Sushala was not happy at all. She retracted her wrist from Suyodhans hand and ran towards her mother. Then she hugged her legs and complained in a spoiled manner.

"No, you can't, Maa (Mother) tell her she can't."

Suyodhan also runs to his mother and asks to reprimand Sushala. 

"No, I will marry now, Humph!!

Sushala did not give in and talked to her brother. She really wanted that dress. She was very annoyed and angry right now.

Normally, Her brothers did not deny her anything. Then why are they doing it now? If she can get dressed by just playing house with Karna, Then she can do it. 

It's a win-win for her, Not only does she get the dress but also plays with her brothers and Karna. She loves this tread a lot. She is not losing anything but only gaining it.

"NO!! You can't."

Suyodhan also did not give in this time, He can fulfil her other requests but not this one. Maybe when they grow up, He will himself make wedding arrangements.

But now is not the time, Marriage is a very important thing, Although Mitra Karna was the best choice for his sister but now is not the time for them to get married. 

"No, I will. Mom says that to brother now, okay?"

Sushala held Gandahri's red sari asking for help from her, showing her puppy eyes.

This is a Bhrmastra, Anytime she does this no matter who it is they agree to her demand. This even works on hardened warriors like Bhishama, So how could it not work on her own mother?

"No, Not yet, I will ask Meghna to make a dress for you. If not , Karna might also find time to make one for you, So stop your antics, you little devil."

How can Gandhari not know what is happening in her youngest mind? She knew that this marriage thing is just for getting a dress.

But she also loved the innocence her youngest had left in her. At least she had not matured before time. Her brother does take good care of her.

"Really?? I love you, Mata (Mom)"

Sushala at first was very disappointed hearing she does not get to marry him now but after hearing that, she will ask him to make a dress for her, She was happy once again. 

She quickly hugged her mother and landed a soft kiss on her cheeks and then she didn't forget to turn her head around sticking her tongue out provoking her brother, Suyodhan who was very glad that his mother did not agree.

But then he saw the smug face of Sushala making him realise all this was because of a dress, Putting his heavy heart down.

"Maa, Also made one for Sushasan Bratha (Brother)."

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