12. Chhaya's Fall

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Chhaya flew towards the sun but her heart was disdainful. She felt like she as the queen of darkness and the goddess of shadow should never give this much respect to him, The god of light.

"He might be very arrogant and overbearing like his heat."

Chhaya thought with contempt. She looked in the sky at the sun, She felt the overbearing nature of his heat, Giving a poor life in the world a very hard time. She then looked proudly as she saw those tortured by the heat taking shelter in her shadows. Suddenly an unexpected surge of pride filled her. She felt that those beings will worship her more than Surya as she sheltered them while he was the one who was raining down hellfire.

She stopped and looked at their relished faces, thanking the shadows for their shelters and then leaving for their homes. She felt their genuine gratitude and worship in it. This is the first time she felt something like this, So she who is lost in new-found feelings completely forgets the passage of time.

"Oh no, I am late."

Finally, after some time, she remembers, Why she was here. She looked at the sun at the horizon, Who should have long been set by now. With little guilt, She flies towards him at full speed. Anyway no matter what she thought of him, He was still the husband of her new sister.

'He will be going to blame me for it now.'

Chhaya thought to herself, As she imagined that Surya might have an arrogant personality, So her letting him wait for this long will surely annoy him. She was ready to take responsibility as she was practically at a fault here, She is not that willful to ignore her own mistakes.

'What a shame, I have to bow down in front of my enemy.'

With this thought in her mind, She reached in front of Surya. Her head was hung down, She didn't look at the man in front of her from the beginning, She was ready to receive her punishment from the arrogant man in her mind but the punishment nor the angry words in her imagination came to her. On the contrary very gentle, self-blame, and teasing words fell on her ears.

"What I did now, That makes you mad Priye (Dear)? Anyway, I apologise for the crime that I don't know I committed, Please forgive my ignorance, So can you take me to our home now? Haha.'"

Surya spoke these words, Which look like genuine apologies but anyone who hears them can tell they were in a hidden teasing tone, This transaction looks more like the banter between couples.

Chhaya froze upon hearing this soft gentle voice. Her heart misses its beat, Her hung-down head lifted up on its own. Then her black void-like eyes meet his golden radiance-filled eyes. 


Just as their eyes met, She felt something deep inside her open up, Like as if some floodgate opened, and a surge of unknown emotions filled her mostly empty heart. She was in a trance. Maybe she was captivated by his beauty, Maybe she was blinded by his brilliance, Maybe she was tempted by his charm, Maybe his words tied her.

Maybe...Maybe...Maybe. There were too many maybe to which she didn't know the answer of but she knew one thing for sure, She was utterly and completely defeated by the man in front of her. She was subdued by her enemy in their first meeting without him making a move.

She didn't even know when Surya held her hand and led her back to her supposed home. She only comes back to her senses when Surya takes all the way back to her now-shared bedroom with him.

When she realised it, She started to panic. She was afraid of how to handle the situation.

'I should outright deny his advances...But if I do that it will make him suspicious and I can't afford that if I want to keep acting as a Sandhya...But if I don't then I will be going to break my oath. What am I going to do?'

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