19. The Book Of Destiny

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"Why did you invite all of us here in such haste, Devraj (King of God's)?"

"Yes, Devraj, but why? You even used the highest level of summoning order."

"Will some Asura endanger the world?"

"Or is it new trouble caused by you?"

The gods gathered in an assembly in Indra's royal court. Everyone wanted to know why they had been summoned here. Some gods were worried, some were excited, and some powerful gods were even directly asked if he had caused anything.

"Silence, first wait for everyone to arrive, then I will tell."

Indra closed his mouth again. He was irritated by the constant babbling. He became even more enraged when he was accused. He wanted to argue and ask them since when he had caused any trouble, but then he realised there had been many instances. He would only make a fool of himself if he said it. So he pretended he didn't hear anything.

"The god of the sun and light Surya is on his way with his wife's goddess of twilight Sandhya and goddess of shadows Chhaya!!!"

Among the gods, the Announcement of Surya and his wives was heard as Surya and his wives entered the court.

"Lord Surya has arrived. Let us go and ask him. Perhaps he was aware of it."

"But he appears tired; we'll just have to wait until Indra tells us. Lord Surya is tired, so don't bother him."

"You are correct; let us just wait until Indra tell us his purpose."

When the gods see Surya enter the assembly, some of them want to go ask Surya why they were summoned there. However, other gods intervened when they noticed the worried expression that they mistook for tiredness.

'Does Indra know anything about Karna and his constitution?' If that's not the case, why did he summon everyone here? There is definitely a Karna's reason for it.'

Surya was lost in thought and was not paying attention to anyone. Indeed, if Indra is aware of Karna's constitution, Then gods should be concerned. After all, the holder of the Sovereign Constitution is invincible in the same realm, and Karna possesses Supreme charm, with which he can even enchant the gods even Trimurti is not off limit.

When Karna grow up, he will become an unstoppable force that even gods must beware of, And because gods are unaware that Karna is the son his Lord Surya, they will undoubtedly regard him as a threat and try to eliminat him. If they knew, they would not only see him as a threat, but also as a valuable asset, but alas he is unable to tell them because of a curse.

'Svami (Husband), I'm sorry; it's all my fault.'

Chhaya felt guilty after seeing through Surya's worry. They now be holding their son in their arms if she did not curse him. So she apologise by communicating through her inner voice.

'Chhaya, it's not your fault; it was our fate. Even we are puppets bound by the string of fate. So don't feel bad about it.'

Surya, seeing her self-blaming, tries to persuade her. Sandhya even approached her and held her hand to console her.

"Do you have any idea why this is happening, Pitashri (Father) and Matashri's (Mother's)? We and Devraj are extremely concerned about the situation."

A very handsome man with a noose around his waist and a large golden mace in his hand approached the trio. He has a tall and muscular body that appears to be filled with immense strength. He was Yama or Yamraj (King Yama)  the lord of the netherworld and the god of death and Dharma (Righteousness). He is the eldest son of Surya and Sandhya.

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