• 26 END •

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"You were my first love." 

His smile is the reason I am still standing. His eyes sparkling with this intensity when looking at me makes me realize how lucky I am to have him by my side, to have found him back. 

Our ways were meant to cross again. It was how it was supposed to end. 

He and I. 

My smile reaches my eyes, he fills me with happiness. 

"I found you back," his hand slides on my cheek and I lean on his warmth. 

"I love you, Jungkook." His smile is so huge that his eyes are barely open now, his nose scrunches, and I giggle at the cutest sight. "Keep smiling like this, please. Your smile is all that matters to me." 

"Then don't leave me again." His seriousness makes me pause before I smile again, more controllably. 

"I won't leave you ever again." 

His lips connect with mine. I don't think my heart beat with love so hard before. He's so gentle, his thumb still on my cheek caressing my skin ever so lightly as his mouth moves comfortably against mine, sending a herd of elephants mashing my gut in delight.

Nobody has ever been so gentle with me, he touches me as if scared to break me if he puts pressure. It's in contradiction with his impressive build, it's adorable. Sometimes, I even feel like he's more like brushing me, it makes me lean on his touch every time to make him understand that I'm not breakable so easily. 

He takes so good care of me and my feelings, my heart might burst with happiness. 

He slowly pulls away and plants his gaze on mine. 

"I love you more, Dana. I've waited for you, I'm glad I did." 

I laugh sweetly before falling on my back on the dusty mattress. All the dust flies away at the impact, making me instantly cough which makes Jungkook chuckle while waving his hand around us to chase it away. 

"I like this house," I say, sincerely. Jungkook only stares at me, listening to my voice. "I never thought I'd feel so good coming back here." 

"Mm... Maybe it's thanks to the handsome guy standing next to you?" He fakely wonders. 

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Maybe." 

Suddenly, I feel his hand leaning on the bed right next to my head and his body bends over mine. 

My eyes widen, his face is now right over mine, his lips still pulled in a gentle line and his doe eyes looking lovingly into mine. 

"You'd like to live here again?" He asks, more serious now. 

I wonder, would I like to live here again? It's a family house, it's pretty big for only one person, but it's my house after all... A smile slowly creeps on my lips as I nod slowly. "Mm. I'd like that." 

Jungkook only smiles, an idea popping into his head. 



And just like that, we find ourselves with feather dusters, rags, a hoover, and lots of arms. 

I smile satisfyingly as I watch Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin going back and forth in and out of the house, moving some furniture and cleaning everywhere. 

Taehyung is sitting on the couch, getting scolded by Jimin and Namjoon every time they walk next to the whining 'tired' boy. 

Yoongi is outside, mowing the lawn in the messy garden. 

"Yah." My head snaps to Jin hyung who's eyeing me, arms crossed and chin high. "You're not gonna boss around and do nothing, right?" I want to giggle but hold it in, buffing my chest and crossing my own arms on my chest. 

"Why not? I am the boss here." 

"Yeah, in your dreams," he rolls his eyes and grabs my ear, painfully dragging me behind him. "I'm not letting the maknae rule over his hyungs." 

"OUCH OUCH! OUCH!!! Hyung, s-stop! I'm not gonna boss you, let go!!" I whine and he laughs with his weird laughter. 

"Good boy. Come here now, we need strong arms." I can't help but flex at the sentence behind his back as he leaves the room. 

I giggle alone but immediately stop when my eyes fall on two shameless people kissing in the middle of the kitchen. 

"Ew, hyung!!" 

Hoseok pulls away from the languorous kiss with Ja-ok and looks back at me, giggling. 

"Hobi, we told you to clean the house, not your girlfriend's mouth!" Namjoon intervenes from behind and I explode in laughter as the two lovers' face turn red and they immediately separate. 

"What's going on here?" An arm sneaks around my waist from behind and her face appears under my arm beside me. I smile lovingly when my eyes fall on her perfect face. 

"There is never any peace here!" Ja-ok whines before taking Hobi hyung's hand and going away from the kitchen. 

Namjoon hyung laughs too and leaves us alone. 

Dana positions herself in front of me, her arms still around my waist, hands linked behind my back. Her chin rests on my chest as she looks up at me. 

We just stare at each other for a few seconds and I giggle at her cuteness. 

"Thank you, Jungkook." 

"What for?" 

"This house," she looks around, "It means a lot for me to be there with all of you, and clean it to somewhere nice. I feel like my mother would be proud to see her home like this." I smile at that. "You had a great idea to engage the others." 

"It took me about a week to convince Yoongi hyung. I now have to make his dishes for a mouth." I pout and she chuckles out loud, making me laugh with her. 

"Thank you." 

"You'll start a new life here," I put a kiss on her forehead. "Your mother would be proud of you, and not only for cleaning the house." I see her eyes starting to get glossy, and I hate to see her cry so I stop my speech, laughing sweetly. 

"I'm starting a new life," she starts. "With you." I nod. "I want to be with you Jungkook, always." I nod again, not understanding why she insists since I will never leave her again. 

She sighs and pulls slightly away, a pout on her lips. I frown. 

"You don't understand, do you?" She looks up when she sees I am still as confused. "I want you here, Jungkook, in this house. I want to greet you when you're coming home from work in the evening, I want the first I see when I wake up to be your pretty face in the morning-" I cut her off by crashing my lips on hers. 

She kisses back, a smile drawn on her mouth. I lovingly express my love for her through this kiss before pulling away. "I'd really like that," I say before pecking her lips again. 

She smiles brightly. 

As I look at her, I know that I succeeded in life. The money, the fame, all of this means nothing when I hold the most precious thing in the world. 

The love of my life. 

ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ


A/N Waw so here it is, the end. 

I know this work isn't the best you've read, but it's my first and it's a whole new feeling I'm discovering as I finish a work. I've spent a lot of time on it, I'll do better, I promise 😊

Thank you to those who complied and read till the end, I love you endlessly ❤️

The Truth Untold // Jeon Jungkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now