• 16 flashback •

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"Jungkook! Tell Dana I want to take a picture of the both of you." Jungkook's mother told him and the little boy did just that.

The children positioned themselves in front of the camera.

Jungkook's mother smiled at the cute faces. "Hana, dul, set!"

At the last moment, Dana hugged Jungkook's side, which made him open his eyes wide. He didn't expect that. Jungkook's mother laughed at the picture. Her son looked so cute with his big doe eyes.

The boy looked at the little girl and this time, it was his turn to hug her to her surprise.

His mother watched the scene and couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in her stomach. Her son was happy and it was all that mattered to her. She could easily see how their relationship would become. They were bound together, they had a beautiful future together in front of them.


Dana was on the ground, crying. She let the other students empty her backpack onto the dirty ground, next to her.

"You don't even have money or precious things!"

She cried louder, she was used to it, but it still hurt to be jerked to the ground and be shaken down.

"YAH!" A new voice arrived. "Leave her alone!"

The bunch of kids stepped a bit back when they saw the older boy coming toward them.

"Who are you?" The other boy, the 'leader' of their team talked. He wasn't doing anything to the girl but he was watching and didn't do anything to help her, as if he almost was enjoying it.

"I'm her best friend, so I'm asking you to stop hurting her." Jungkook bent down and helped Dana to stand up with her stuff in her bag. He pushed her behind his back to shield her.

"Do you think you're scaring us?" The leader boy asked.

"I'm not afraid of you, Jong-su."

"I remember you, you're in our school. Aren't you, um, Jungkook is that it?" 

"I'm warning you, don't do that again." He took the girl by her hand and walked away, ignoring the remarks and the whispers.

"Thank you, Jungkook." She sniffed.

"I'm always there for you." He winked at her.


"You've been bullied again, aren't you?" The girl looked down, she couldn't answer back because holding her tears were burning her throat. "Oh, Dana."

Her mother bent down and hugged her close to her. She brushed her hair while she started to cry in her mother's embrace again.

"I hate to see you so unhappy, darling."

The girl pulled away and sniffed. "I made a friend tho."

Her mom smiled faintly, caressing her brown hair. "Really?"

"Yes!" Immediately, thinking of her new friend, Jungkook, she stopped crying and smiled. "His name is Jungkook!"

"Is he in your class?"

The Truth Untold // Jeon Jungkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now