• 24 explainings •

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My eyes widen in shock when we opened the door of my bedroom. 

Jungkook halts as he stands still, as shocked as me. 

Hoseok and Ja-ok are exchanging a languorous kiss, shamelessly, in the middle of the living room.

I almost gasp out loud but find out I was left speechless. 

"I won't be the only one to have some explaining to do," Jungkook whispers in my ear behind me and I hit his side with my elbow which makes him yelp amusingly. 

His little noise cuts the new lovers in their... actions and they look back at us, surprised to see us staring at them. 

"Yah. That's private, stop watching us!" Ja-ok exclaims, pulling Hoseok even closer to her but this one seems much less at ease with us catching them, he becomes shy all of sudden, his cheeks turning cherry-red. 

Jungkook obviously laughs but I'm so speechless that I can't say anything. 

"Unfreeze, Dana. It's not the first you've seen people kissing, right?" 

"Can you stop being so blunt, please?" I finally beg which eases all the tension, making them all laugh. 

"Come here, I'mma protect you," Jungkook says while tugging on my arm so my face gently hits his chest and I can't see anything anymore, I feel his palms pressing against my ears also which makes me chuckle. 

I push him away and roll playfully my eyes. My new boyfriend laughs sweetly, his bunny teeth coming out of his pretty lips. I'd stare at him for hours if I could, but my instinct makes me go to Ja-ok and separate her from Hoseok. 

I send the man a sweet smile before locking myself in Ja-ok's room. 

I let go of her and she crosses her arms, waiting for me to say something. I look at her. 

"What are you doing?" 

She seems stunned by my words. "What! You can be with Jungkook and I can't with Hoseok?!" 

"Shhh!" That girl is so loud, I swear. "That's not..." I sigh. "This is so different." I try to justify myself for my worries. 

She squeezes her eyes, not understanding. 

I sigh again. "It's Hoseok... And you're Ja-ok, you're the girl bringing a boy each night you're clubbing... you know." I didn't want to hurt her, but I still was worried about her feelings being truly sincere. 

She sighs, I know she's hurt but she's hiding it. "I..." She looks away. "I genuinely care for Hoseok..."

"I know you do. But... a few months ago, he was your idol... Do you love him as an idol, or as Hoseok as a person? Because this is so, so different." 

"I know it is." She plops down on her bed. "You know, I've thought of that, I was so shocked when I first saw them in the apartment, but I was so scared and worried about your disappearance that my excitement was a weird mix of... something I couldn't even explain. I saw them in action, being genuinely worried about you and I couldn't even see them as the idols I was fangirling over. It's still the same now. When I see them on TV, I get excited all over again as if I had never met them, but when I am face to face with them, they're like different people to me, they're my friends, he is my friend."

I grin. "You're friend, really?" 

She makes a face to keep herself from smiling. "Okay... he was a friend. But now I just get all giddy around him, I feel like a teenager again with her teacher crush." 

"Ew, what?!" We laugh. 

"I am genuine. He seems so out of reach, but so close at the same time. I know what you and Jungkook have been through, that's why I kept my boundaries with Hobi. But when I went to Hoseok's discharge from the hospital today, Jungkook was there and told me he wanted to see you. He told me he didn't care about what people thought about him anymore, all he wanted was you." My heart melts. "He was so cute, you're a lucky girl. Anyway. He made me want to have that too, with Hoseok." 

I couldn't find words. Ja-ok seeks happiness too, like the rest of us. 

I sit next to her and hug her. "I'm glad if Hoseok makes you happy. As long as you're sincere." 

"Yah! Who do you take me for?" She slaps playfully my arms away before a knock on the door interrupts us. 

Hoseok and Jungkook slowly appear as one opens slightly the door. 

"Girls, we have to go." 

"Yeah," Jungkook adds, a hand on his friend's shoulder, "We have to get some things straight, right Hoseok?" He looks at him, an evident grin on his lips. We giggle at teasing Jungkook who makes Hobi all flustered and reddish. 

ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ...


So short but yeah, just to upload more chapters before ending this book:)

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