• 10 sasaeng •

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I'm watching my best friend preparing her breakfast. She looks absolutely... awful.

"I guess you had fun last night." I giggle.

"Well... not this morning..." She says with a rough morning voice, her eyes not completely well open. She sits in front of me with her hot cup of tea in her hands. "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

I shake my head. I can't swallow anything again. That's what happens when I'm upset and I'm being upset for weeks now.

"You should eat something, Dana. You're getting skinnier by the minute." I roll my eyes, she really sounds like a mother.

"Don't worry about me."

"Yes, I am worried. Are you feeling better anyway?"

I look down. I was really down when she left and after Jungkook visited it couldn't get worse. I try not to show it but I am sad that I won't see him again. Even after what he said, I know I am going to miss him. Miss his scent and his beautiful glowing black eyes.

"Okay, I don't think you're feeling better." She answers her own question when I'm lost in my thoughts.

"I'm fine." I lie, but once again it's not believable.

"Should I tell you you're the worst lier ever?" I roll my eyes. "You won't tell me what happened, will you?"

I don't answer.

Suddenly her eyes go to my neck. "Dana... what's that..."

I touch where she's looking and still feel pain. My eyes open wide.

"Did... did that boy do that?!" She starts to panic, talking about 'the boyfriend I spent my night with' in other words Jungkook, imagining all sorts of scenarios in her head, even if the traces in my neck are pretty talkative.

"No! No, he didn't..." She looks at me, shocked and worried. I give up, I can't lie anymore. "Jong-su did..."

She jumps from her chair. "WHAT?!" At least, now she's well awake.

I sigh. "Please don't worry..."

"HOW CAN'T I?!" I bit the inner of my cheek, she's right, I would be soooo worried if I was her. "Have you talked to the police about that?!"

"No... not yet anyway."

"We're going, now. That jerk." She swears under her breath. "Is that why you're so upset? How did you get out of his grab? Who was the guy you were with, it wasn't Jong-Su's voice, and why didn't you freaking tell me anything?"

"That's a lot of questions, Ja-ok..."

"Yeah, and you better answer all of em!" I sigh.

A knock on the door saves me from answering all these questions. I'm jumping from my seat, getting away from her.

"You're not getting away that easily!" She yells behind me.

I ignore her and open the door. My eyes go wide open when I realize who's there. I take a big step forward and slam the door behind me. Now our bodies are an inch apart.

"What the hell?!"

He looks down at me- since he is way taller. "Hi."

"I told you to leave me be!" I whisper-yell and push his chest with my arms, he takes a few steps back, so I can look at him without breaking my neck.

He sighs. "I swear I'll leave you be... but not before you explain to me what happened yesterday." He is talking about my reaction.

I cross my arms on my chest. "What do you want me to say."

The Truth Untold // Jeon Jungkook ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora