Chapter 19: A Video Call

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The 141 gathered with Rudy and Alejandro in a room with a table. Soap had changed

back and was continuing to yawn repeatedly. Ghost stood next to his chair so that he could lean his head on his hip. He wanted to be there to listen to the call with Shepherd before he went to take a nap.

Price set up a laptop on the far end of the table so that he could speak and they could all listen in off camera. The captain didn't give Shepherd a chance to speak first when the call connected.

"I know about the missiles, General."

Shepherd didn't make a comment on it at first, so Price continued, "You hid this. Why?"

"We all keep secrets, Captain." He finally replied, as if he didn't sound like a super villain.

"Why the hell wasn't I informed?" Price shot back.

"Consider yourself well informed now, John." He sounded like he was just brushing the Captain off. Like he hadn't been responsible for a serious international security threat.

"Oh. That's really fuckin' helpful, General. Thank you. But you're a day late and a missile short. There's three of 'em. And we only found two."

"Then point yourself in that direction and fix it." The general told him, as if it should be the simplest task in the world.

"And who fixes you, eh?" Price was sounding more and more pissed by the second.

"I don't need fixing. I'm a patriot protecting my country."

Price had to stand up to work some of his energy out, "You're protecting your own ass."

"I do what needs to be done and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape. I know what's best for the cause."

"What's best for the cause?" Price let out a humorless chuckle, turning back around to face the laptop, "Where does attempting to arrest and execute members of my team fit into that, hm?"

Shepherd scoffed, "I should have known you'd be bent out of shape about that. I never approved of a task force with monsters on it, Captain. As far as I'm concerned, dangerous creatures like that climbing the ranks in the military is far more dangerous than a few misplaced missiles."

"You've lost your mind, General." Price shook his head.

"And you've forgotten what you're fighting for, John. To do good, you gotta do some bad. When we shit we bury it. That's how it works."

"Yeah. But we don't bury each other, do we?"

"I'd hardly call your pack of beasts 'each other'." Shepherd grimaced, "You need to turn that side o' your head and face down the real enemy."

Price approached the table and got closer to the laptop, "You need to call off your Shadow."



Shepherd laughed, "Not a fan of his Anti-Monster Unit, John?" He paused and got closer to his own computer, "He's a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you don't try and take it."

There was silence for a moment that hung heavy in the air, before he continued, "What? I thought a dog metaphor would make sense to you since you apparently keep one."

It took the narrowing of Price's eyes for Ghost to realize the general was talking about Soap. Soap pushed his head against his hip harder. Ghost felt a wave of anger flow through him. It was one thing to tease Johnny about his behavior and mannerisms. It was an entirely different thing to reduce him down to just a dog. Ghost took an involuntary half step forward before Alejandro grabbed the back of his shirt to hold him back, giving him an understanding look.

Price had heard enough of his bullshit, he tilted his head, "This is your last chance to change your mind."

"Then what?"

"Then after I go for him, I'm coming for you."

Price promptly shut the laptop, letting Shepherd sit with his warning.

Rudy huffed and stood up, "I'm going to go check on the rest of Los Vaqueros."

Alejandro squeezed his hand before he exited the room, leaving the rest of them all to talk.

"¿Graves es una cazador de monstruos?" Alejandro asked the room.

Price nodded, "Apparently. Shepherd must have heard about you and Rodolfo. That's probably why he sent him in particular."

"But how did he find out about me and Ghostie?" Soap asked, sleepy.

Price smiled softly at his sergeant and his lieutenant. He knew if anyone else tried to call Ghost that they would have been gutted in a second.

"I'm not sure, pup." He came over and patted his shoulder, "We'll go over our next steps later this evening. Why don't you go get some rest, sergeant?"

"I can stay up a bit longer. We can work up a plan now." Soap insisted, a yawn arguing against him.

Gaz snorted as he tried to hold back a laugh.

"Quiet Garrick." Soap pointed at him, not particularly menacing.

"I'll make sure he goes to sleep, Captain." Ghost finally said, pulling the man up with a hand on the back of his neck. Soap grumbled but let himself be led out of the room.

Price shook his head fondly as they went.

"Surprised Ghost has taken a liking to him." Gaz commented, stepping forward to stand beside him.

"Well, if anyone could chisel into that cold exterior it's Soap." Price replied. He clapped Gaz on the back, "Now come on, there's still some light left. Let's get you some sun, Sprout."

Meanwhile, Ghost walked Soap back to the room they had shared before and the sergeant flopped face first into the pillow. He spoke into it muffled.

"I can't understand you like that, Johnny." Ghost told him.

Soap rolled his head over to look at him, "I said I think yer eyes are pretty."

Ghost blinked at him, "Complimenting me isn't getting you out of a nap."

Soap chuckled, "Worth a try."

Ghost moved to climb into the bed beside him, but he noticed Soap looking apprehensive.

"What is it, Johnny?"

"You don't hafta join me if you don't want to, Simon. Don't want you to be uncomfortable after last time."

Ghost narrowed his eyes at him, "Johnny."



"Yessir." Soap quickly slid over so that Ghost had the proper space to lay down. Ghost immediately pulled him against his chest, arms wrapped around him snuggly, legs intertwined. Wanting to show him that he hadn't made him uncomfortable at all.

"You hungry?" Soap asked.

"No actually. You fed me well last time." Ghost told him honestly.

"You'll tell me if you are, though?"


"Well, so I can feed ya again." Soap said as if it were obvious.

"You don't have to do it again, Johnny. I managed before." Ghost wasn't interested in using Soap as simply a food source. No matter how good he tasted. He didn't want Johnny to feel used.

"I don't want you to just manage." Soap said finally.

There was silence for a few moments before Ghost finally said, "Go to sleep, Johnny."

"Alright." Soap said, letting out a puff of air, "And I meant what I said before."


"I do think yer eyes are pretty."

Simon's fingers tangled into the back of his hair.

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