Chapter 44: The Basement

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The team had been reluctant to leave Gaz and Price upstairs. But after a stern look from Price they took their leave. They didn't know much, but they had seen Gaz sobbing into the bark of a dead tree, and they were able to form educated guesses about the situation.

They left Price to take care of him and waited on the ground floor. They were watching Soap intently as he seemed to be sort of fidgety. His brows were knit together and he kept rubbing at his temples as if he could massage his memories out. Overall they didn't feel particularly successful. Soap had felt that feeling of familiarity once, and it hadn't seemed to shake anything loose like they had hoped.

He needed more.

But then Price informed them about the basement and now there was a chance for there to be more. They just had to find it.

The main stairwell did not have a basement entrance, so that was out. They hunted around for a bit, trying to find, perhaps, another stairwell. There were just rooms and rooms of old equipment. More of the same.

Alejandro eventually let out a frustrated huff, "Tell Price to ask Gaz if he's sure. We've looked all over this place."

Soap sighed and nodded, moving his hand to press the button on his radio when Ghost gently placed his own hand on his to stop him.

"Let me try something."

Soap searched his eyes for a moment before nodding and stepping backwards beside Rudy and Alejandro. Ghost stepped forward and placed both hands and the forehead of his mask against the wall and urged all of the room's shadows to move. He faintly heard Alejandro let out a startled curse at the sight of all of the shadows slithering and writhing about.

He mentally instructed them to search the building for a basement entrance, he turned around to face them. They froze on the floor before him, seeming a little unsure about complying, so he let out a stern hiss that sent them all shooting off in different directions. Before even a minute had passed they were sliding back, all whispering their findings. It sounded, very similar, to hundreds of children whispering in a crowd. It was probably alarming to anyone not used to it.

And based on the faces of his companions, that was a correct assumption.

"What the fuck was that, LT?" Soap asked, eyes wide as he watched all of the shadow slide and reform back into place and shape.

"One of those tricks I mentioned, Johnny. Makes me extra hungry, so I try not to do it too often." He explained.

"Jesus Christ." Alejandro muttered as his own shadow returned to the ground below him.

"Don't worry, big boy. I'll take care of ya later." Soap winked at Ghost who rolled his eyes.

"What's the verdict then?" Rudy asked him, "Basement?"

Ghost gave a nod and began to lead the way through the building. On the far side of the complex, there was a room that looked vaguely like a breakroom. There was a vending machine with cracked glass on one of the walls that he beelined for. He grabbed the edge of it and pulled hard, dragging it away from the wall. On the other side was an extra door that had likely not been opened since before the raid if Price hadn't known about it.

"Jackpot! That's why I love the Ghost!" Soap grinned, momentarily distracted from his disquieted mind by the novelty of a secret passage.

Ghost pushed open the door revealing a small room with an elevator and a stairway leading down. He nodded to the group to follow behind him. At the bottom was another door that he cautiously pushed open.

He waved his light around the space. There were a lot of things covered in clear plastic tarps as if the people who left wanted to come back eventually and retrieve their belongings. The large space was lined with metal doors. Ghost had seen places like this before. Clearly a prison of sorts.

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