Chapter 35: So Familiar

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Three fucking days.


Because that was how long it took for Soap's heat to finally break. Ghost had really given it his all so to speak, and Soap was as sore as he often was post mission. Soap was quite impressed with his stamina in all honesty. It was probably due to his vampyrism. Soap had never spent the time with anyone before, but he was sure that it wouldn't have been as successful with a normal human.

Also he had learned that he had a breeding kink. So that was new information. He didn't have the parts for that, so they didn't have to worry about any actual children, so that was nice. His brain had wandered during Ghost's gravelly voice in his ear to what Rudy had said about Alejandro. His mother had been a vampire and his father had been a werewolf. So if Soap had a uterus there would have been a chance of the child being a chupacabra.

He had never thought about any of this before. Probably because he was always on his own for the week after the full moon. In any case, it had been nice to have Simon with him to help. In summary, he had learned some things about himself. And it was abundantly clear when it came time to remove that pink fucking collar.

He really didn't want to.

He had greatly enjoyed being Ghost's pet. Another thing he had discovered. When other people mocked him for being nothing more than a stupid dog, it really hurt him. He was more than that. But with Simon, he was somehow both. He made Soap feel loved and appreciated and perfect. While also making him feel like just a dog. But in a good way?

He had a lot to consider.

Ghost noticed his hand hesitate to remove the collar, and he gently lowered his hands down to do it himself, "It's gotta come off, Johnny. Not something you can really wear out in the field."

"I know, sir." Soap muttered, "Bit of a shame though. It's quite comfortable."

Ghost laughed, "I could have sprung for a darker color, but pink's my favorite."

Soap stared at him, "Are you takin' the piss? Pink is your favorite color?"

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"Well, you just wear so much black, Simon. Never would have guessed." Soap laughed.

Ghost rolled his eyes and gathered the rest of their things so they could head back up to the cabin. They would head back into the city to meet up with Price and Gaz, and from there, wherever Laswell sent them. Preferably out of Illinois

On the drive, Soap's mind began to wander. Now that the mission with Hassan was done, and he had made it past the recent full moon he was able to think a bit more clearly. He still hadn't really had a chance to break down all of his near death experiences, but now still wasn't the time for that. After all, Laswell already had their sights set on another threat.

Soap pictured the image of the man in his mind. Makarov. He racked his brain trying to come up with an idea of where he had seen him before. He just seemed so familiar, and it unnerved him that he still couldn't recall why. Clearly Gaz had recognized him too based on his reaction.

The image had made him feel slightly anxious and he simply didn't know the reason.

"Hey, Simon."

"Yes, puppy?" Ghost spoke from his position in the driver seat beside him.

"This guy Laswell's got us on, Makarov, is he familiar to you at all?"

Ghost glanced at him a little confused, "Not really. I've heard the name tossed around before. He's a big deal in the underworld of crime. Why? You know him?"

Ghost would be surprised if he did. His puppy? Who was alway so happy and excited and frankly a joy to be around? Maybe he just couldn't stand the thought of having Makarov near him.

"I-I'm not sure, honestly." Soap finally responded, "I feel like I might. But... but I can't seem to remember where from."

Ghost glanced over again to see Soap's brow furrowed in thought, like he was fighting against his own head, "Easy, Johnny. Don't strain yourself."

Soap shook his head to clear it and tried to relax, think of something else.

Soap's reaction had Ghost a little concerned. He didn't know much about magic and mysticism. He probably should start learning at this point. But he did know that there were probably ways to make people forget things. He didn't want Johnny hurting himself trying to remember if that was the case.

He would talk to Price about it.

The Captain would probably know more about that sort of thing. And Soap didn't know his parents, so maybe there was more than one blockage there. Maybe Price knew more about Soap's past than he did himself. He hated to pry, but it could be important to both the mission and Soap.

"Y'know, you could wear that throat mic more often." He suggested, trying to change the subject, "It's sort of like a collar."

Soap perked up at that. He had managed to rein in his ears and tail but Ghost could imagine how the ears would have swiveled toward him.

"Maybe." Soap replied, trying to be cool about the suggestion.

"Could write my name inside." Ghost suggested, growing amused.

"You... you still want to have me?"

Soap's question threw him for a loop, "Of course. I didn't do and say all that just to humor you, you get that right?"

"S-so, yer serious 'bout this?"

"I am if you want me to be." Ghost told him seriously.

"Yes, please." Soap breathed.

Ghost chuckled and set his hand on Soap's thigh, squeezing gently, "Good boy. Using your manners. So polite."

Soap blushed and quickly looked out the window.

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