Chapter 5: The Sight

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They sat Valeria down in a shipping container for interrogation. But honestly, it didn't feel like much of one. Not with the way Soap and Rudy were having to hold Alejandro back. She spoke in Spanish far too quickly for Soap to pick up on it. He only caught bits and pieces, but whatever she was saying was clearly getting beneath the colonel's skin.

At one point, she raised her voice at him, and Soap had been so entranced with the back and forth that he took a couple of quick steps backward in surprise. His back came into contact with Ghost who grabbed him by the shoulders to keep him steady.

That drew the woman's attention away from Alejandro for a moment. She tilted her head, squinting at them, a small smirk playing at her lips.

"Interesting handler you have there, jabón." She commented, "I wouldn't stand too close if I were you. He might be hungry."

Ghost's eyes narrowed at her.

"Valeria has the Sight. She sees things others cannot. Things we keep concealed." Rudy stepped in, trying to keep them focused on the missiles.

Her icy glare turned on him then, before finding Alejandro once more, "I'm disappointed to see you've kept that thing around."

Rudy flinched back at her words as if they had been physical attacks. Alejandro crept closer to her and knelt down, voice low and dark, "If you speak of him, it will be with respect, cabrona."

She huffed out a laugh, "Still has you entranced then? Really, Alejandro?"

Alejandro placed a hand on the back of her chair and let out a low rumbling growl that made the walls of the crate vibrate. Soap's head stooped lower as he pressed farther back into Ghost, who in turn gripped him further. Valeria, however, didn't even flinch at the wordless threat.

"Think about it Alejandro. Who's more likely to be deceiving you? Me? Or him?" She gestured toward Rodolfo with her chin, who appeared to be trying to make himself as small and hunched over as possible. She stuck her lip out in a mock pout, "Aw, pez pequeño." She crooned, "You just can't help it can you. It's just in your nature to lie."

Rudy seemed to have had enough. Soap and Ghost thought they caught the sight of his flesh paling and shimmering slightly as he quickly darted out the front of the container.

"Si vuelves a hablar con él, te destriparé en un segundo." Alejandro hissed as soon as the door was shut.

"You're a fool to think that thing is capable of real love, Alejandro." She snapped, "He just likes the way you taste."

Alejandro stepped back, forcing distance between them, shaking his head, "I can't do this any longer. I'm going."

He stepped toward the door, pausing a moment to look at all of them earnestly, "Do not make a deal with her. It will not end well for you."

He paused behind the shut door of the container only momentarily to hear Graves speaking, "I want the missiles, I want the target, and I want Hassan. And you've got 10 seconds or I'm going to show you the difference between the military and me."

"Strong threat from a regular human." He heard Valeria tease.

He'd had enough. They could handle Valeria. He needed to find Rudy.

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