Chapter 9: Betrayal

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The mission was successful. Soap had been able to detonate the missile on the other ship. So, they were feeling pretty good on that front. But for whatever reason, Ghost thought he seemed a little fidgety on the drive back. He placed a hand on the back of his neck and shook him around a bit.

"What's got you all pent up, Soap?"

Soap perked up and turned to look at him, "Oh, sorry LT. I think I'm still just tense from figuring out the missile controls. It's nothing."

Based on the little stutter of his heart, there was more to it than that. Ghost felt like he had an idea of what Soap was now, but he was still a bit confused. By morning he had been back to his normal self, he hadn't even mentioned his little hunt for Ghost the night before. Based on his behavior, Ghost's theory made sense. But the moon hadn't been full last night. It wouldn't be for another week. And he had only been out for a few hours.

But the more Ghost considered it, the more he realized that he had no reason to believe any of that old lore was true. Mythical creatures and monsters were often getting old rumors placed upon them. Maybe none of that was true.


He would ask later.


He gave Soap's neck a little squeeze before bringing his hand back down to his lap. The rabbit from the night before had definitely worn off, and he was hungry again. He was eager to get back to base so he could find a blood bag. Or maybe he could convince Soap to go catch him something else. He had been so eager last time, he probably wouldn't mind.

They were approaching the main gates of the base, but the vehicles ahead of theirs were slowing to a stop, forcing them to do the same. Graves was hopping out, and they moved to do the same, curious as to the reason for the stop.

"What's this?"Alejandro asked, apparently just as confused as the two of them.

"This," Graves started, "Is the immediate future. Step away from the gate."

Ghost watched Soap step up to stand just behind Alejandro. He had a strong urge to step in front of Soap and separate him from Graves, but he forced himself to stay still.

"What?" His sergeant asked, sounding aghast.

"You heard me."

Ghost didn't like that. He didn't like the condescending manner that Graves was speaking to Soap. He had been friendly with him a couple hours ago on the mission.

"You're crazy. This is my base." Alejandro's eyes narrowed at him. Ghost could feel his breathing getting slightly ragged as he fought to keep himself composed.

"This is not a base." Graves was saying, "It's a sizable covert facility. And I admire it. So I'm taking it."

Soap shook his head, "So what, we just supposed to walk away?"

Graves smiled a little, demeaning.

Alejandro kept going, "No, no, no. I don't take orders from you."

Graves' eyes flitted back to him, "Now you're starting to sound like Valeria. Is there anything else I should know about your affiliation with a drug-lord?"

Alejandro took a couple steps closer to the man, quickly losing his cool. A deep growl emanating from his throat. Soap quickly stepped forward and placed a hand on the man's arm to soothe him. Ghost hated that he was getting closer to Graves.

"You're outta line Graves." Soap warned.

Graves held up a finger, "Down boy."

Soap took half a step backwards, surprised, "What the hell..."

"You can all come quietly. No one needs to get hurt here." Graves brushed past him as if he wasn't of any importance.

Ghost took a single step forward, feeling defensive over his sergeant, "Are you threatening us?"

"Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this." Graves shot back.

Was he trying to arrest them? For what exactly?

Soap clearly didn't like Graves sassing him in turn, "I'm callin' Shepherd."

"General Shepherd sends his regards. Told me ya'll wouldn't take this well."

Soap froze from where he had spun around to make the call. He looked up at Ghost, but he didn't have any answers either.

"He knows about this?" Ghost asked.

"He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. He asked me to contain you folks. So ya'll need to stand down. No more monster playtime."

Soap and Ghost exchanged a glance. Clearly they didn't understand Shepherd's motivations at all.

"Why the hell are we talkin' like this is some kind of negotiation. It's not." They were beginning to think Graves just liked to hear himself talk.

"And who the fuck do you think you are, Cabron?" Alejandro interrupted, before raising his voice, eyes flashing, "My men are inside!"

Soap and Ghost knew his mind was focused on Rudy. He was very protective of him.

"I'm afraid not." Graves smiled, mockingly, "Your men have been... detained."

Soap knew not to get in between Alejandro when Rodolfo was being threatened, so when Alejandro lunged, he didn't try to stop him. He jumped toward Graves, skin darkening ever so slightly as he began to shift, but Graves sidestepped him, one of his Shadows redirected Alejandro's jump into the side of one of the vehicles before sticking him in the neck with a syringe and hitting him with the butt of his rifle.

Soap jumped into action as he watched Alejandro crumple to the ground, "Graves what the fuck?"

Ghost was already knifing a few Shadows that had tried to jump on him and take him down alongside Alejandro. Soap grabbed the nearest Shadow to use as a human shield as shots were fired in his direction. He could see Alejandro getting cuffed on the ground in his periphery.

Soap snagged the pistol off the hip of the man he was holding to return fire. He managed to take out one Shadow before Graves fired and his arm erupted in pain, flinging him back with the corpse on top of him. He was dazed from the all encompassing feeling of the bullet newly buried in his arm.

Ghost heard Soap cry out and bolted around the back of the nearest vehicle to see if he was still alive. God he hoped so. He found Soap, shaking his head as he tried to focus himself. Ghost needed him to move. Now.

"Go Johnny! Get out of there!"

He heard Graves beginning to circle around the side of the car. He needed to go. But he needed to make sure Soap got up.

"Soap! Go!"

His commanding voice gave Soap something to focus on and he managed to shove the man off of himself. He quickly scrambled up to climb over the road barricade, drawing fire and attention from more Shadows. He flipped over the side and slid down on his back into the woods, returning fire as best he could.

By the time he reached the bottom he was out of bullets. He tossed the gun aside and ran in the direction of the city. Hoping his adrenaline would last.

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