Chapter 11: A Wolf's Weakness

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There was a pressure plate at the front door, so Soap and Ghost circled around to the side. There was a small basement window sticking up that was unlocked. Ghost carefully and quietly slid it open. He briefly released Soap so that he could slide in first. He was so focused on Johnny, he didn't hear the sound of another heartbeat with him in the basement.

"G-Ghost." Soap grunted out as the man reached up to grab him and help him down.

Ghost instantly spun around, knife landing in the wood of a nearby beam, a head ducking to hide behind it.

"¿Quién está ahí?" A familiar voice called out.

"Rodolfo?" Soap questioned.

The man's head popped back around the beam, eyes flashing in the low light, "Soap! Ghost! You're alive!"

Ghost relaxed, "Affirmative."

He spun back around and reached up, grabbing Johnny by the waist and carefully pulling him down towards him. He had half a mind to just hold him, but he knew Soap would protest so he just helped him find his balance.

"Glad to see you, amigos." Rudy said, approaching.

"Igual amigo." Soap breathed. He had been worried about him ever since the moment with Graves.

Rudy held the knife back out to Ghost, "Nice throw."

Ghost accepted it. He was also glad to see Rodolfo. He honestly felt a bit guilty that he hadn't been more concerned for his well being. He had just been so focused on Soap.

"Where were you guys?" Rudy was asking.

"On the run." Ghost answered simply.

Soap shook his head slightly, "I was on the run. Ghost waited for me."

He said it like he was surprised and Rodolfo tilted his head in confusion. He got the sense that Ghost was Soap's Alejandro. But maybe the two men hadn't gotten that all figured out just yet.

"Of course, no?" Rudy prompted.


"Yes." Ghost's head snapped around. Clearly Soap was more of an idiot than he realized if he hadn't picked up on the fact that Ghost wasn't going to let a damn thing happen to him. Or maybe he was the idiot for not expressing it clear enough. "We're a team."

He looked back at Rudy, "All of us."

If Alejandro trusted Rudy so fiercely, so did he. Alejandro had watched over Soap in Valeria's cartel house. Now he would return the favor by looking after Rudy.

"This happened on my watch. I'll need help to fix it." He continued before looking back at Johnny in earnest, "No one fights alone."

Soap gave him a tiny nod. Ghost didn't have time to properly analyze all of the emotions that crossed his eyes before Rudy was speaking.

"Why did Graves turn?"

"We don't know." Soap replied, sounding weary, "Shepherd wanted him to take us in, though. Sounded like because of what we are."

"For now," Ghost started, "Shepherd, Laswell, and anyone else outside this room is considered a hostile." He paused, looking at Rodolfo, "With one exception."

"Alejandro?" Soap guessed.

Ghost saw Rudy deflate a bit, "I'm sorry. Graves took him."
Rudy nodded, "It's alright, hermano. Not your fault. I've been doing some digging since getting here last night. I did a bit of spying and listening on my way. I think we can-."
He didn't get a chance to continue as Soap's knees were suddenly buckling. Ghost moved swiftly and caught him so that he wouldn't hit the floor. He carefully lowered him down. Ghost hadn't even noticed until now that Soap had stopped shivering, but his skin was still like ice.

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