Chapter 66: One Step Back

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The rest of the team were all eager to see Gaz again. Particularly Alejandro, who had bonded with him back in Las Almas when they secured Valeria and killed Graves. Gaz also had the opportunity to meet König, who he decided was a sweetheart, and Roach, who he had heard Price mention on occasion from before.

He found himself slightly drawn to the moth instinctually for pollination purposes. Roach was excited to pick at Gaz's currently green tinted hair whenever they had a chance.

Gaz was very upset to hear about what the other had endured. Particularly Soap. He had been totally unaware of how bad off the werewolf had been while he was under. He felt a bit guilty that he hadn't been there for him, and he couldn't help but imagine an alternate reality where he finally emerged from dormancy to find Soap gone. Just like what had happened with his mother.

He and Soap stayed by each other's sides all day. Soap didn't bother changing back, enjoying being able to trail after and lean against the other man at all times. For Gaz's part, he kept a hand buried in Soap's fur whenever possible. He and Soap examined his new arms scar.

It looked just like where Tara had been. The same winding vine and leaves, ending in the shape of his bloom on his shoulder. He ran his fingers along parts of the scar, he hated how quiet it was without them. Soap pressed his cold nose to the bloom section on his shoulder in sympathy. He knew how much comfort the little plant had brought Gaz.

If Soap were to psychoanalyze him, and he absolutely would, he would say that Gaz probably felt somehow responsible for caring for it in a similar way to what Price did for him. He had found Tara pulled up from the earth, brought them home and cared for him. He became a constant companion for Gaz, even when Price couldn't be right beside him.

Soap wished he could have spoken to the little dandelion himself. He couldn't speak to plants like Gaz could, but he thought he and Tara would have been good friends too. He wished he could have thanked him for helping to keep Gaz calm when he was alone in Makarov's lab.

Kate left later that day. She had to get back to her wife in the states. She promised to bring her along next time so she could meet them all. Apparently she already knew Gaz and Price, so they had Laswell pass along their regards.

The next few days went pretty smoothly. Price was pumping Gaz full of supplements, and the team was collectively continuing to work with Soap on his food consumption. Trying to keep up a variety, while also trying not to move too fast.

They were doing well on both fronts until a specific day when there was a slight incident with Kyle. He had been slowly adding tasks back into his routine, as many as Price would allow as he got his energy back. On this particular occasion the pair were working in Price's magic room. He had Gaz doing a simple job of cleaning some bottles and sorting through some of his books. Price had a habit of not putting them away properly when he was done with them.

Price was working on grinding up a powder to turn into a paste to put around Rudy and Alejandro's doorway. It would keep any stray compulsion effects of Rudy's songs contained to the room. That way he could sing freely inside without fear of accidentally making someone fall asleep, or temporarily forget their name, or something if they walked by. Price figured he would make extra for whenever they returned to Mexico. They could use it in their room on base.

In any case, that wasn't the issue. The issue arose when Price absent mindedly reached for a cigar to smoke while he worked. Gaz turned around to move some stray equipment across the room and instantly upon seeing it reeled back and fell, dropping everything he was carrying everywhere.


Price was quickly by his side, trying to check on him, "You alright, Son? What happened?"

Gaz was scooting farther away from him, chest rising and falling rapidly. Price could see him sliding and cutting his hands on some shards of broken glass on the floor.

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