Chapter 49: Subjects 24

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The lab location was very different from the one in London. This one was in the middle of nowhere-ass Scotland. It was an old warehouse, metal walls, the whole bit. They had to tromp through a field of tall and overgrown grass to get to it.

The area around it was covered in a small patch of gravel. A sharp twinge in Soap's head reminded him that there used to be a path through the grass, but it was now totally covered up. He remembered being dragged out of the building by a bunch of strange men in uniform. He was kicking and screaming and fighting the whole way.

"Let me go! I want my mother!"

"Jesus Christ." One of them muttered, "Can someone get over here and knock this thing out already?"

"Johnny?" Ghost asked, gently setting a hand on his arm.

Soap looked up from where he stood, "I think those soldiers were a bunch of assholes."

Ghost hummed, "Not surprised."

They made their way around the side of the building until they reached a secondary exit.

Price busted the lock on the side door before Ghost took the lead. There had been solar panels on the roof, and he doubted that they had taken the time to properly shut the place down, so he tried a light switch. Sure enough the lights began to flick on overhead.

The space was divided into cubicles full of old and dusty lab equipment. There were a few empty cages lined up against one of the walls. It honestly didn't feel all that familiar or significant to Soap. He figured he must have not spent much time here.

"Don't see anything too interesting." Gaz said casually.

"Think that means we're looking for another basement." Ghost announced, beginning to walk around the space's perimeter.

This one was nowhere near as hard to find as the last one. The soldiers had actually been inside and left it open. There were two metal doors on the floor with stairs leading down. There was a ramp of sorts alongside the steps, probably for sliding things in and out.

"We'll stay up here and look around a bit more." Alejandro told them, meaning he and Rudy. He wasn't keen on bringing Rudy down into one of those spaces again after their last discovery.

Price gave them a nod before starting down the steps with his lieutenant. Their sergeants followed behind. At the bottom of the steps Ghost flicked on another switch and Soap felt like he was transported back in time.

Everything was familiar, his brain hurt with the overwhelming onslaught of noise as this basement seemed to dig its claws in. He was looking around the space with wide eyes, phantom fear churned in his gut.

He swallowed and took a step forward, the others had parted and paused for him to get his bearings. The walls had racks of guns and electric batons. Shelves of medical jargon and findings. There was a set of double doors on one side of the room. He remembered being wheeled through, strapped down for surgeries and other procedures. One specifically came to mind.

"T-They gave me an appendix." He choked out.

"What?" Price asked, confused,

Soap nodded, "Yes, they- they wanted to see what would happen. Werewolves don't have one. S-so they gave me an appendix to see how my body would react."

One of the many strange things they had done to him.

"Is it..." Gaz looked down at his abdomen, "Is it still there?"

Soap shook his head, "No. I got sick. Pulled it back out a month later."

"Fuckin' hell." Ghost muttered before wrapping an arm around the scots' shoulder.

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