Chapter 28: All My Tricks

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Laswell's doctors really came through. They had given them adjoining rooms and cots for their stay. The only one who really needed it was Soap, who they wanted to keep around for a few days to ensure his healing was working as it should be.

He had taken the brunt of the damage. The bumps to the head and the gun shot were the worst of it. The doctors were, like Price, very interested in the care of mythical creatures. They didn't have much hands-on experience, just research. Which was more than any of them could have asked for honestly.

Price worked with them and explained a few of the tricks he had learned over the years. Like giving Ghost a blood bag with a small pump to simulate a living creature's blood flow. Or getting Gaz under a UV grow lamp and feeding him sugars to increase his healing rate. Soap was out cold until the next morning, so he didn't need anything like that. Some extra blankets and a space heater to get him more comfortable were set up, however.

Ghost called Rudy and Alejandro and filled them in on the events of the mission. They both wanted to fly out and be with them as Soap healed up, but Ghost assured them they would be fine. Their still disastrous base required more attention. And frankly, they all wanted to leave Chicago as soon as possible. They didn't need to have more of their pack in the wretched place.

Soap woke the morning after the mission in serious pain. The blissful numbness he had experienced before falling unconscious was gone and the doctors had to quickly up his dose of pain medication taking into account his overactive immune system that was already shaking off what they had been giving him.

When the pain began to fade out and he managed to catch his breath, he looked up at Ghost who was hovering beside him.

"Thanks for the assist back there, LT."

"Anytime, Sergeant." He replied, and he meant it.

"How'd you get over to me exactly? I cannae really remember." Soap asked, confused.

Ghost smirked behind his mask, "Can't reveal all my tricks now can I, Johnny?"

Soap groaned, "Oh, c'mon sir. Yer no fun."

Ghost looked around to check that they were alone, the other two men in the adjoining room before leaning down. His lips brushed the shell of Soap's ear,

"When you're recovered I'll show you how fun I can be."

Soap shivered against the feeling of his breath and reached a hand up to gently shove him away, "Don't go getting me all worked up right now when I can't do anything about it."

Ghost sat back up and chuckled as Price and Gaz walked in.

"Captain, when can we leave this hell hole exactly?" Soap asked.

"As soon as the doctors give you the all clear." Price told him.

"I meant the state of Illinois. Not the hospital."

"Same answer." The Captain laughed.

Gaz walked over and sat on the edge of his bed, "Sorry you had to go through that on your own, puppy. I couldn't get down the elevator shaft. I got tangled up in some wires and Price had to pull me up."

He looked guilty and Soap shook his head, "Nothing to apologize for. I'm just glad yer okay." Soap paused and lifted a hand to examine a couple of leaves that had sprouted from the side of Gaz's head, "Well, mostly okay. You needta stop yer worryin, Roots. Look at ya! Yer gettin' all wilty."

Price perked up at that and shoved a cup of water into his hands with a straw, "Drink. You know how I feel about you letting your leaves go."

Gaz took the cup and self consciously retracted the leaves he had let out, "You're gonna drown me one of these days, Captain."

"I highly doubt that, Kyle. I'm gonna go set up the humidifier."

Gaz groaned and followed after him, but a knock on the door stopped them in their tracks. One of their doctors poked her head into the room before stepping in fully.

"Sergeant MacTavish! I just wanted to check on your pain levels now." She smiled.

"Oh, um, much better now, ma'am. Thank you kindly." Soap told her.

"Perfect. You just let us know if that changes." She scribbled something down on a clipboard before looking back up, "Do any of you have any questions for me?"

Price was about to say no, but Soap beat him to it, "Yes actually, what's today's date?"

She pursed her lips, "It's the seventh of november."

Ghost watched Soap swallow and look a bit nervous, he chewed at his lip, "Right, thought so. When exactly can I be discharged?"

She furrowed her brow, "Probably not until the day after tomorrow. We want to make sure your healing is working properly. We understand that he underwent silver poisoning recently and we're wanting to monitor you to be on the safe side of things."

Soap was shaking his head, "I'm gonna need to leave by tomorrow."

"Johnny." Ghost said his name with a note of warning.

He opened his mouth to argue, but instead he looked at Price, "Captain."

"You were pretty roughed up, son. I know you aren't a big fan of hospitals, but your health is important."
It was true. Soap hated hospitals. Doctors in general. The sounds, the smells, the sting of chemicals on his tongue. Ew. It felt overwhelming in the worst ways. But that wasn't the reason for his arguing today.

"No. It's not that. It's... um..."

Price looked at him confused for a moment. Soap let out a frustrated sigh and then held up his wrist and tapped on an invisible watch. Price made a face of realization and began slowly nodding. Ghost wished he could be in on whatever private correspondence this was.

"Right..." Price was saying, "Alright. You're right. We're going to need to be discharged by tomorrow afternoon I'm afraid." He told the nurse.

Ghost shook his head, extremely confused. The Captain never backed down from anything like this. What the hell was happening here?

"Captain, I really don't think that's a wise decision. We need time to ensure his immune system is working properly." The doctor insisted, waving her pen around.

Price shook his head, "It's not ideal. But that's just how it's going to need to be."
He and the doctor had a silent argument with their eyes, but Price never lost one of those, so she sighed and shook her head, "Fine. But if you notice anything abnormal you are to bring his right back here."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And don't let him do anything crazy. No overexerting himself more than necessary. Is that clear."

Price huffed and looked at Soap. Soap looked a little dismayed, as if her request was some sort of travesty. Price gave him a little shake of his head.

"Crystal clear, Miss." He finally replied and Soap flopped back against the pillow miserably.

Ghost stood there very much confused as the doctor walked out. He was supposed to be the guy with all the secrets on the team.

He found that he didn't like to be on the other end of them.

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