Chapter 86: The Storm: Part 2

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Inside Soap continued to tussle with Makarov. He was halfway shifted at this point, working to draw blood, to kill. He was frantically dodging shots left and right. Eventually he took a hit to the thigh and let out a pained yelp, falling to the ground.

He felt himself get spit on.

"You always were a disobedient mutt." Makarov hissed.

Soap managed to look up at Shepherd, "Why aren't you killing Graves, Hypocrite?" He growled.

The General scoffed, "Once all of you are dead, I will. Easier that way. I'm a man of efficiency."

Soap was getting shocked again, all of his muscles seized. His brain went white hot at the feeling of the silver bullet getting shifted around in his thigh as he tensed. He let himself go limp and stayed on the floor, listening to both men depart for a moment. Let them believe he was already succumbing to his wound.

As soon as he was sure they were gone he managed to shift himself up with a few pained whines. He needed to get the bullet out fast before the silver poisoning set in. It was going to be a real bitch to get it out by himself. A blessing came to him in the form of his Captain climbing through the window.

"P-Price!" He called out, strained.

Price was by him on the ground in an instant, hands hovering, "What-?"

"Bullet. Silver." Soap hissed through gritted teeth.

"Shit." Price shook his head, "What should I-?

Soap would normally feel bad for interrupting the man, but there wasn't time to worry about that right now. He swiftly pulled his knife out and pressed it into Price's hand, already working on pulling his pants down.

"Need ya to dig it outta me. Please." He was aware he sounded borderline desperate, but that was because he absolutely was.

Price swallowed, clearly pained at having to do this to him, but nodded all the same. Anything to save his life. He pulled off his hat and nearly shoved it into Soap's mouth.

"Bite down on this, Lad. I'll try to be quick."

Soap nodded frantically. Quick was what he needed.

Price climbed on top of him to help hold him down with his body weight before sinking the tip of the knife into the wound. Soap sucked in a breath through his nose and held it, thrashing slightly beneath his Captain. Unlike the last time, he wasn't delirious, getting this bullet out was a nightmare beyond comprehension. It burned whatever muscle and tissue it touched searingly. He could tell some noise was leaving his throat, but he couldn't be sure how loud or what it sounded like over the blood rushing in his ears.

After what felt like an eternity, the burning stopped, and the sharp pressure of the knife was pulled away. He kept his eyes squeezed shut and felt something getting wrapped snugly around his leg, and then his pants were getting tugged back up. And the roaring in his ears was slowly dissipating.

"Great job, Sergeant. You did so well, Pup." Price was telling him.

The Captain climbed off of him and was crawling over to cradle his head. Soap whimpered around his hat. Price eased his jaw open and removed the article, noting the new holes the fabric sported from the wolf's teeth.

"So proud of you, lad. I know that was hard and it hurt like hell." He ruffled Soap's mohawk.

"I-I want S-Simon." Soap choked out, starting to come back to himself.

Price's lips parted, "Puppy, I'm not sure-."

Something in Price's voice made his heart leap in his chest, he forced himself to sit up swiftly, "Where is he, Captain? Fuckin' take me to him, Price!"

"Calm down, Soap. Easy there." Price tried his best to soothe.

"Price!" Soap practically barked, "Where is he?"

Price swallowed, "He took a bit of a tumble. He didn't get up, Son. I just want you to prepare yourself just in case he-."

"No!" He cut him off, sounding childish, "No, he's fine! He promised me he'd be okay. He's fine. Take me to him."

"You're in no state to head back out there, Pup." Price reasoned.

"I don't give a fuck what my state is, Price. I need Simon!" He told him, "Now help me up or I'm fuckin' crawling out of this lighthouse."

On the shore, Alejandro and Rudy could hear the sound of Farah and Alex's rifles from somewhere above. Things must have been going to shit. Alejandro needed to do something.

He turned to where Rudy was leaning against a rock.

"I'm going to climb up."

Rudy made some whistles of protest.

"I understand it wasn't the plan, Rudy. But they need help up there."

Before Rudy could attempt to argue anymore, Alejandro began to shift. His horns emerged from his skull as his teeth began to stretch out. He could feel the way his bones stretched, joints popped, and flesh changed and relished in the feeling. As soon as he was fully changed he began to scale the rocks, claws scratching creating the occasional spark and he scurried up looking more like a giant lizard than a mammal.

He reached the top and practically slithered over, eyes landing on two figures retreating from the lighthouse. He hissed, forked tongue flicking out as he began barrelling toward Makarov and Shepherd. They were each carrying some sort of weapon and when Makarov saw him approaching he booked it in the other direction, leaving Shepherd to the wolves.

Or in this case, the chupacabra.

Shepherd's eye widened and he ran back in the direction of the cliffs. He attempted to jump off and into the water, but Alejandro wouldn't let him get away that easily. He swiped a hand out and his claws caught into the flesh of the man's leg, pulling him back. Shepherd used his weapon and wacked the butt of it into Alejandro's snout, making him reel back, stumbling slightly with a snarl. Alejandro shook off his daze and looked up in time to see Shepherd taking aim, and then something was getting lodged into his side.

He bellowed in pain and stood on his hind legs to examine his damage, finding a harpoon lodged in his softer underbelly. Shepherd swiftly reeled it back in, pulling Alejandro back toward the cliff before the spear ripped out of him, spraying black blood across the grass. Alejandro was so distracted clutching and scrabbling at the wound in his stomach that he didn't notice Shepherd circling around him. He was suddenly getting shoved off the cliff, tumbling hard back onto the rocks.

He cried out, his entire body was screaming in agony. He was sure he had shattered multiple bones, and he could feel blood steadily oozing out onto the rocks. His attention was drawn to the edge of the water at the sound of a dismayed series of clicks and whistles. Rudy was hopping up onto land, dragging himself toward him.

Hands held his snout before reaching for his forelimbs and pressing his own hands firmly against the wound. The movement made Alejandro groan and Rudy shushed him gently. His eyes were already starting to well up and he quickly leaned himself over the wound, letting a few tears fall into it before Alejandro saw a vacant look pass over him.

Rudy looked practically hypnotized, sitting up straight and turning to look out across the sea. In an instant he was jumping back into the water and Alejandro made a few desperate cries for him to return. He was in pain. He hurt.

He wanted Rudy's sweet voice and soft touches.

But he watched as Rudy disappeared into the depths, swimming further away.

His dizzy and slightly animalistic brain was muddled with thoughts that he normally knew couldn't be true.

Maybe Rudy decided this was finally too much for him. Maybe he decided that now was the perfect time to return home to the sea for good. Maybe Rudy felt like he was being used. Maybe Alejandro drove him away.

The thoughts continued to race through his mind until everything went dark.

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