Now, here Karen was on the floor cutting open some boxes trying to keep the memories and feelings at bay but she kept on silently shedding some tears wiping them away every chance she got.

At this point, Karen had hated her father for what he had did to her and she had hated, Greg for literally derailing her life.

It was so hard for her to find a decent job now and at her age she was at least supposed to have some experience with a normal job or some volunteer place but Karen just felt too overwhelmed because she had never really learned how to be professional in a normal workplace setting.

And when she was learning it wasn't like she had a whole lot of hours or even communicated with other people.

So, Karen really felt out-of-place within her own family. When she finally got the box cut open she threw the knife down in anger wiping her tears and sniffling a little bit.

After she had finished having that moment to herself she finally went through the box taking everything out but she didn't find anything. So, she went through three more boxes before she had gave up.

At this point, Karen was thinking that they had to have thrown it away because she had already opened up all of the boxes that was in her closest and nothing was in there but her old clothes.

"Ughhhhh." Karen sighed and huffed kicking that empty box to the side before struggling to get up from the floor.

"Let me just check the drawers." Karen said knowing that sometimes some people don't clean them depending on who was doing what and she just hoped that it was still in there but when she had looked at the first three drawers nothing was in there and she almost gave up looking until she found the black bag that she had put her clothes in from that night.

And when she had seen it, it was as if time had stood still for her and nothing else was moving and all of a sudden she was having all of these flashbacks.

But she quickly shook her head trying to encourage herself as she had pulled the black trash bag that she had put her clothes in all those years ago. She had meant to throw them away that same night but she was glad that she never did because back then her mind really wasn't that clear on what she was thinking about doing.

So, Karen had started to untie the bag and seen that her dress and everything else that she had worn that night was in there and then she started panicking and hyperventilating.

"MAMAAAAAAA!" Karen hollered out for her mother but before any of her siblings could go see what was wrong Matti was off speeding to what was her daughters room moving her kids out the way.

"Move my baby's callin' me." Matti said moving her kids out of her way.

Now here, Matti was in Karen's room seeing Karen in a panicked state as if she had slid herself away from the bag before Matti had got into the room which she did.

"Karen?!" Matti said looking at her youngest daughter and it was like Matti was looking at a 14-year old frightened, Karen again. Karen had the same exact look on her face when Matti had first came home after that day when Greg was supposed to have left the house and not bother no one.

"Is-is this the bag of clothes?!" Matti had carefully asked her daughter after looking inside of it without touching it since it was already opened and Karen just nodded her head yes as she started biting her nails.

"Okay." Matti said trying to keep her daughter calm while she slowly walked near the bag.

"I'm a just take this bag and we're gonna take this to the police station okay?!" Matti said carefully telling her daughter with the rest of her siblings looking from outside the room door.

Family Secrets Part 2Where stories live. Discover now