Chapter 34

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John POV

A few days pass and tomorrow is Alex's birthday, I'm gonna take the day off for it since he leaves in 2 weeks so I may as well have one full weekend with him. However I first need to get through   f.

For weeks Everest has been begging me to take him to work with him. I'm glad he's already so interested in these social justify issues' but he's only ten. But today should be a safe day so I'm going to take him.
The idea is that today we go around informing everyone in our next region of Washington orders, if they don't comply that's then we take action. But I've heard good things about this area so it should be fairly straight forward.

We give them notice and any unpaid or non-concerning workings will be escorted out and taken to new homes as well as given jobs. I don't get to see that bit though, I just threaten people with a gun if they try to protest. "Papa! Wake up we need to get ready!" I wake up to ever opening the door wide then going to open the curtains.

Alexander whines and rolls over, burying his head in my shoulder. "Ever I know you're excited angel but we don't need to leave for another hour. You can go get ready if you want and I'll come get you when it's time to go"

He sighs "fineee" he closes the curtains again and walks out. I turn to Alex and smile.

"Good morning beautiful" i smooth down his messy hair and kiss his cheek. He looks at me with the most unimpressed expression.

"Shut the fuck up, It's too early"he mumbles, pulling the sheet over his head. I laugh and pull it back just to annoy him "you're a horrible person"

"Mhm we'll fine get your sleep now cuz I've got a lot planned for tomorrow" I get up and go to the closet to get ready, he sits up and leans against the bed frame.

"You didn't need to do that jack, you're the only thing I need" he grins. I roll my eyes and walk over to him as I finish buttoning up my first.

"Yeah well you'll get plenty of me tomorrow don't you worry" i wink at him and kiss his cheek "I'm taking Ever to work today, but make sure the other kids all get to school and remember piper hates it if you walk her into the school so leave her before the gate"

He just nods and rolls out of bed. Usually drops kids off at school but she had to go to town early today and Peggy is busy with Libby so Alex will, which is good the kids will be excited about that. "I'll go get them up"

"Put pants on first dumbass" I tell him before he gets up. "You know If you insist on sleeping naked at least remember to put on clothes before leaving the room."

He walks over to the wardrobe and puts on some clothes "yeah I know sorry" he walks over and kisses me "oh on Monday I need to come to work with you so I can send a report to Washington"

"Yeah of course" I smile at him then look in the mirror and tie up my hair "I'm gonna go see if ever's ready then we'll head off, so I'll see you tonight" I kiss him once again after he says goodbye then I go to ever and pipers room and knock "Ever? You almost ready.

He runs out of the room, dressed in the war style coat Alexander got him last year on his birthday, and his best shirt, and his hair tied back neatly. He has his little school bag over his shoulder with the lunch Peggy made last night.  "come on let go" I chuckle, and pick him up and put him on my shoulders, he laughs and holds one. he's so sweet and so cute. It's sweet he's so excited for today.

"Will we get to meet the people we help papa?" He asks as we walk out the door.

"Not really they leave pretty quickly, but I suppose if you want to before we go home at the end of the day we can go visit some of them"

"Yes please" we make our way to the office we've been renting out for the last few months, every is arriving around the same time as us. At the office we have a group of people that stay here, working out all the technical sides of thighs like where the freed slaves will live, where we go next, all the finances needed, there also someone that writes an account of every day and the progress as well some women coming in and out, there's a large group of women that get paid to ensure that everyone emancipated knows where they live what jobs are available and help then get settled in. Then of course there's the rest of us that go and set them free. Really I couldn't have asked for a better operation it all goes so smoothly and everyone works well together.

After the short morning meeting where we go over what needs to be done today everyone goes off to start their work. I explain to Ever what we're going to do. I told everyone he was coming today and if they're rude to him or around him or swear around him or say anything that a 10 year old shouldn't hear I'll fire them so everyone seems extra nice today.

We walk out of the office and make our way to the suburbs. Ever seems exited, but I hope he doesn't get bored. We make our way around the houses. As expected some people were more difficult then others. "Alright ever do you wanna knock on this door and read out the letter from Washington? I'm just going to talk to someone over there for a moment but I'll be back very soon is that ok?" He's been reading it for the last 6 houses so I know he'll be ok.

"Yeah" he grins. I nod and walk over to a group of my men and start talking to them about the rest of the day, I think by Monday we can have finished the rest of this area there's about 120 houses, assuming most people are compliant it should go pretty smooth. That will also be good for Alex to put in his report to Washington i hear someone yelling then I hear Everest scream "papa!!" I quickly turn around to see the man at the door aiming a gun at him threatening him"

"Everyone on house number 7 now!!!" I yell as I run over, obviously we're all armed in cases like this, I stand in front of ever protectively "sir I Strongly advise you to put your weapon down now, before you do anything you will regret"

All our men gather around the house, guns drawn, I know it's a bit extreme but first of all if anyone pulls out a gun we need to take any actions needed and aiming a gun at a kid MY KID. I will not take any risk, he can shoot me and get shot at or he can put the gun down. "I have right! We as a Americans are free to do what we like I'm not handing over nothing"  the man yells

"Sir we don't want any of your possessions we're Simply giving all Americans the right to freedom not just rich white assholes like you" this just seems to make the man angrier so I reach for my gun but i suddenly hear a gun shot. Was it one of the troops? Did they shoot? I look at the man again, his gun is down now I hear Ever scream, he sound terrified so I turn around.. and that's when it hits me, well actually No it hit me a few seconds again, that's when I realise I've been hit. I can suddenly feel the worst pain imaginable in my side, I put my hand on it and look down.

I see blood on my hands and on my coat. I hold my side and stubble onto the ground. And I notice all the men coming over, a few of them taking the man that shot me away with a gun to his back. I hear someone scream for a medic. I hear Ever sobbing and screaming so I focus on him and put my hand on his cheek "hey baby boy you're ok you're not hurt" I smile slightly "don't cry angel, can you go home and give Alexander this letter for me" I painfully reach into my pocket and hand him a letter. I keep it on me at all time you know just in case anything happens, there are things I need Alexander to know. I look to one of the men that are fussy about trying to stop the bleeding however they're all clueless, "get someone to take him home, make sure he's safe"

He man nods and gestures to someone "no! No papa I don't wanna go I wanna stay with you, what's gonna happen? Are you gonna be ok?" He sobs "I don't want you to die I'm so so so sorry"

"No no no baby don't apologise baby this isn't your fault at all please don't blame yourself. You did everything right calling out to me but right now I need you to go home ok? I'm gonna be ok, it's ok" I tell him, I don't Want him to blame himself, it's not his fault. But I NEED him to leave now cuz it's getting harder and harder to keep it together, I'm already seeing a bit blurry and the pain is so consuming I cannot think about or concentrate on anything else.

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