Chapter 24

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Alex POV

I'm so so happy to see john, but I still feel horrible about what happened with Jefferson, every time I see Thomas at work it's like I'm reliving it but I'm the worst way. I don't know if I should tell John or not. It would break his heart, but he also deserves the truth.

But I know either way I shouldn't tell him how, I know he would want to enjoy his week off..that gives me a week to decide, maybe I'll ask Peggy about it in a bit, but that'll have to wait til tomorrow cuz johns family is all coming over for dinner, which should be... interesting.

Johns dad Has never been a fan of me, nor his bothers. But They're all assholes so I don't really care. However John wants us to all behave, which I guess means not picking a fight with anyone even if they're asking for it.

Eventually Henry jr, James Mary, Eleanor and Mr Laurens arrive, I shake all their hands politely before letting John talk to them. John doesn't really like most of them either but it's his family so sucks for him.

"Alexander, we weren't expecting you here to join us" Mr Laurens says, with an unimpressed expression.

"Well yeah I was originally supposed to come here next week my Washington wanted me to come make sure everything was going well with John's troops" i reply. "John and Martha were kind enough to let me stay here with them"

He just nods and walks away to talk to someone else. After about 10 minutes of agonising small talk in the drawing room, dinner is ready so we all retire to the dining room. Mary and Eleanor help Martha bring out the food. I sit just on the other side of the table from him but still pretty close, not close enough for me to say judgmental shit though.

"so John you and Alexander have stayed close I see?" Eleanor asks, raising an eyebrow.

John glances at me slightly before looking at his mother again "not too close no" he replies then continues eating. I'm pretty sure his mum knows we used to hook up so I guess his answer is smart, especially with his father here who was quite aware of what me and John would do, but that wasn't my fault John was supposed to lock the door if he didn't want family coming in

"Are you remarrying anytime soon John" one of his brothers, James, asks

John puts his fork down "no for fucks sake, how many times do I need to tell you all I'm not getting remarried" I look at John, I nudge his food under the table, the last thing he needs to think about it right now is marriage.

"Ok fine but eventually taking random girls out on dates is gonna get expensive and exhausting" his other brother Henry replies, John just rolls his eyes and keeps eating.

"Well on another note, Peggy, it's so nice you can join us as well, how have you been?" Eleanor asks Peggy.

While everyone talks me and John keep playing footsy although at one point his good goes much high up my leg then it should at dinner with his family, he doesn't even look at me though so I guess he's just playing it cool. Mary keeps smiling at me, I've talked to her a bit but not much.

"So Alexander are you married yet?" Mr Laurens asks me, turning John and Mary's attention to me

"Uh no, I don't really plan on it, I consider myself married to my work" I respond, John just smiled and shakes his head.

"What's so funny about that John?" Henry asks

"Nothing, anyway what's it like having a wife that hates you?" John replies. I laugh lightly along with Peggy and Martha but the rest of the table don't find it as amusing

"Yeah at least I can keep my wife alive" Henry snarls. Shit. We all look at John, he looks pissed, and hurt

"Alright I think everyone's finished dinner why don't you all go to drawing room while we clear up" Eleanor says, starting to clear everyone's plays

John gets up and walks into another room "he's so fucking pathetic mother why do you always baby him, he's a grown ass me he should start acting like it" Henry adds

"Would you just shut the fuck up? Johns more mature then you'll ever be, and he's a far better man, he's accomplished more good for then world then you could even imagine while raising four kids alone and keeping a steady income so until you start acting like a decent human you have no right  to even comment on his life and especially not on his late wife" I get up as well and follows in the direction John went. I find him outside so I walk over and stand next to him "hey.. are you ok?" I ask softly.

He sighs and puts his head on my shoulder "yeah, I mean I know my brothers are assholes I don't know why I'm surprised they brought up Eliza"

"He was way out of line, he never should have said that" I wrap my arms around him "and I hope you know what he said is bullshit, it's not your fault"

He nods "yeah.. yeah I know I still feel bad though, I feel like I should have been the one to go" he mumbles

"You don't deserve that either" I kiss his head "but I understand how you feel, she should be here with you" he nods and just keeps his head in my shoulder

After a few minutes we hear Henry "mother told me to apologise, so I'm sorry, now can you stop being fucking gay and come inside" Henry says. Me and John quickly move away from each other.

John walks inside, shoving Henry on his way, I just followed inside and find everyone back in the drawing room talking. Me and John sit slightly further away from everyone "so why was Mary flirting with you so much at dinner?"

"Was she? I didn't really notice I mean I was tryina flirt with you" I laughs

He smiles "how you looked at me like twice the whole time" he replies

"Well yeah but you were clearly trying to start something under the table" I smirk

"Lexi I literally have no idea what you're on about" he looks at me

"What're you talking about? If you weren't who the fuck was rubbing my leg" he just laughs "holy shit was your sister trying to hit on me?"

"How the hell did you not notice it wasn't be your dumbass" he laughs "you better not follow her up on it though" he grins, nudging me lightly

I raise an eyebrow "hm well I dunno I do have a thing for people with curly brown hair, hazel eyes and freckles" I tease

"Mhm do you also have a thing for them when she's married with kids?" He smirks

"Depends, is her husband hot?" I smile. He just rolls his eyes  "I'm kiddinggg you know you're the only one im tryina pull"

"Keep it in your pants Hamilton" he teases "at least til tomorrow night" he adds before getting up and walking over to Eleanor.

I swear he as an obsession with saying hot things then walking away just to mess with me.  Almost immediately after John gets up, Mary comes over and sits next to me. Great, I have to deal with this "hey mary.. what's up?"

She smiles, the same kind of smile that every other girl uses when flirting "well my husbands away for a few weeks, I was thinking of you need a place to stay for a bit you could stay with me, maybe we could continue what we were doing at dinner?" She leans close to me

I force a smile "ha look Mary I appreciate the offer but I'm quite happy here, and I'm all honestly I thought you were John" I think Mary was ok with me and john when we were in college I hope she still is now.

It's only a matter of timeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora