Chapter 33

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Alex POV

In the morning John and I get up early. He sits up and leans against the bed frame "morning" I smile and kiss his cheek "how did you sleep?"

"Pretty well, what about you?" He replies. I sit up as well

"Good" I smile and flatten down his hair. His hair is beautiful I love that it's curly but that also means it gets really messy in the morning. I think it's adorable. He thinks it's horrible.

After a few minutes Gabriel runs into the room and jumps on the bed "PAPA! DADA! It's my birthday!"

I laugh "that's right angel, you're getting so big. Do you wanna go get your siblings up so you can open your presents?" He nods and runs back out

John smiles and gets up to grab the presents from us. The kids also got him stuff, well we bought stuff for them to give him. Before long Gabriel runs back in with the kid "happy birthday sweetheart" John smiles and makes room for him between me and him.

Gabriel smiles and sits there. All the kids give him their presents. Then he opens the ones from me and John. He got a bunch of new toys, Some colouring pencils and books. And a lot of other stuff too. He hugs me and John then his siblings "thank you for the presents"

"Your welcome, now how about we go have breakfast before papa has to go to work" Gabriel nods and he runs downstairs with the kids.

John gets up and goes to his closet to get Ready "so are you gonna take him into town or something today?" He asks while getting changed

"Yeah I think so, I'll ask him what he wants to do but we'll probably go to the park and then to town" I walk over to him and help him with his Collar which he always seems to mess up "Peggy's going to make dinner, I think she's planning on using one of Eliza's recipes"

"Alright, I'll make sure I'm home early enough" he pulls me closer and kisses me softly "let's go downstairs yeah?" He takes my hand

After breakfast John goes off to work as usual. Gabriel decided he wants to go to the park. So of Course we do. The kids all play for while before Gabriel gets bored and decides he wants to go home and play with his new toys

So for the rest of the day I play with Gabriel while he shows me everything he loves about his presents. Eventually John gets home, around 6 and Peggy's already making dinner. When I hear the door open I walk over to greet John and take his coat "hey, how was work?"

"Exhausting" he replies before gently kissing me "how are things he here?" 

"Good, the kids are all playing upstairs now and have been for most of the day" i reply and take out his hair for him "on another note if you keep trying your hair up this tight I'm going to cut it off"

He rolls his eyes "I don't understand your problem with my hair I thought you liked it"

"I love it however you told me you head always hurts when you take it out so stop being stupid" I smile and kiss him again "kids! Your fathers home!"

After a minute there's a distinct sound of running foot sets and then the kids appear as they run over and hug John.

I watch as he talks to them about their day, he's such a good father, honestly these kids have no idea how lucky they are. "alright everyone dinners ready!" Peggy calls out from the kitchen

We all go take out seats while Peggy bring over the food. "Gabriel your uncle James offered to take you guys out for ice cream after dinner" John mentions

"Yay!" He smiles and starts eating after. I laugh

"Slow down angel, he won't be here for another hour" i pat  his head "and if you eat to fast you'll be sick"

"Hey Alex isn't your birthday coming up as well?" Peggy asks. How did she remember? I even forgot to be honest

"Yeah it's this Saturday, I remember cuz he fuck my wife on his birthday and that's why Gabriel's here" John says. I laugh nervously what am I supposed to say? Sorry your late wife cheated on you?? John just laughs though "I'm joking love it's Ok" I let out a deep breath and nod

"Papa what does fucked mean?" Gabriel asks, staring at John. Ha, he deserves that.

"Uh you know angel that's not important, what important is it's your birthday today and it's all about you" he smile, good coverup I guess.

After dinner Me John Peggy and. Martha clear up while the kids go to play again. "So James is bringing a friend with him tonight, i don't want any of you especially you Martha making any comments about it, he's only 19 and he's still in college so just don't annoy him or anything" John says as we dry up some plates.

Me and Peggy agree however Martha seems to be more curious. "What kind of comments do you think I would make? And who is this friend? Is it the girl he's been courting?" She questions

"It doesn't really matter just don't be yourself" he responds "I'm gonna go get changed before we leave" I follow him upstairs and sit on the bed.

"So is this person his bringing the guy from yesterday that was at his house?" I asks curiously as John changed out of his work clothes.

"Yep but James is already super stressed about it so please don't bring it up" he replies as he puts on one of my shirts.

Soon james arrives and we rush to the door to meet him "um hi, this is Charlie.. he's a friend from collage" James says to everyone but before anyone can say anything the kids run over

"Uncle James!" Gabriel squeals and jumps on him. James laughs and picks him up.  "Are you taking us for ice cream?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here, that and too see my adorable all grown up nephew" he smiles "now, should we go?"

We all head off for the ice cream place, I walk at the back to make sure none of the kids fall behind but I doubt they will when ice cream is on the line. After a free minutes Charlie falls behind next to me "hi.. um you're Alex right? John.. uh friend?"

I turn my attention to him and smile "his husband but that's just a technicality. But yes" I respond. I'm gonna brag that I'm married to him whenever I can I mean who wouldn't have you seen John??

"Right.. did their family every find out about you? I know they clearly do now James told me about the family dinner but when you guys were in college?" He asks, nervously

"Oh yeah, his dad walked in on us a once and he got pretty pissed as for the others I'm not entirely certain but I'm pretty sure they assumed things, they were all pretty cool with it but I think they thought it was just a phase or something. And James was only 10 so he didn't care" I explain.

"Ok.. right. James is really worried about what will happen if someone finds out about.. well I assume John told you" he replies

"I wouldn't worry too much. No one really turns a head to too guys hanging out together unless they're like making out or something like that. So if you just keep your relationship behind closed doors you'll be fine"

He nods "ok, thank you" he smiles. I return the smile and we both walk a little faster to catch up with the others

It's only a matter of timeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora