Chapter 15

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John POV

I hang around Alex's office for a bit until washington is available to talk. I let Alex work though cuz his job actually matters. "Jack can you do me a favour?" Alex says, his eyes still focused on what he's writing.

I look up from where I'm slumped against the wall on the floor "yeah of course what is it?" I heave myself up and walk over to him.

He stacks a few papers together "would you mind running this to Jefferson's office? I would but Washington told me to avoid conflict" he hands me the paper

I laugh and take the papers "sure love" I leave his office and make my way to Jefferson's office and knock.

"Come in" he says from within the office. I walk into his office and place the papers on his surprisingly organised desk. Alex's desk hasn't been clean like ever.

"Alexander told me to give these to you" I tell him "he would have himself but you know he's really busy and didn't want to fight"

Jefferson laughs "right I'm sure that's why, anyway what're you is assistant now?"

"No.. I'm just helping out, what else would be the reason he doesn't wanna see you?" He ask, looking at up.

He lets out and sigh and places his pen down "I'm surprised he never told you" he looks at him and frowns "sit down Mr Laurens" I do as he says, "the reason Hamilton doesn't want to see me is because he refuses to accept the fact that we used to umm... well let's just say we were once as close as you are"

Alex loved Thomas? I can't even imagine that. "I don't understand.. he absolutely hates you how could you have been that close? And- me and Alexander have been friends since we 19"

"Well I was friends with him at the time as well, when he wasn't with you he was with me. Except when you got married, he decided that he would go fuck everyone Woman in town, so I made him either chose me or those women. I think you can guess what he chose"

I don't say anything, I don't speak or move I just sit there. Alex used to tell me I was the only one he loved.. I knew he occasionally saw a woman or two but it never meant anything "Er excuse me I need to go"

I get up and hurry out of the room and return to Alex's office. He looks at me from his desk and smiles "hey, they took awhile, did he say something? Ugh just ignore everything he says"

"He actually told me something pretty interesting" I reply, making my way over to the chair in front of Alex's desk "he told me you guys used to be together" he say flatly,

Alexander freeze and just stares at me "I.. Uh well yeah we may have slept together a once or twice but that's all, no big deal" he says after a minute

I sigh and nods "right.. we'll I'm going I talk to Washington? When you get home please stay in the spare room until you can start being honest with me about how mine and Thomas's relationship with you could have been very easily switched"

"Wait hold on-" before he can finish I walk out and shut his door behind me. I walk to Washington office and knock.

End of the day

Alex should be home any minute, I need to talk to him but I can't, I still can't believe he was with Jefferson, he loved Jefferson. He constantly told me I was the only one he truly loved, he said when he went home after hanging out with me he just studied and waited to see me again, but after all this time the only reason he's with me is because I didn't make him chose between me and women.

"John for fucks sake you've been pacing down this hallway all night I'm trying to sleep" Peggy says, appearing in the doorway of her dark room

"Sorry.. sorry it's just Alex will be back soon and I don't know want to do" i reply, placing down the seemingly narrower hall.

"I don't know fuck him for all I care just do it quietly" she returns to her room and the door shuts. As if on cue the front door opens."

Fuck fuck fuck, Uh ok I'll just go inside the bedroom, he'll have to come in anyway to get his clothes. I quickly walk into our bedroom, pull off my shirt and get into bed but pick up a book.

After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door, i reply, letting him in, when he walks in he looks at me, he looks ashamed and guilty "why are you reading a book about the female body?" He questions as he goes to the wardrobes

I look at the cover of the book "oh..I wasn't Peggy must have borrowed it from Eliza's cupboard and just gave it back.." I put the stupid book down and sit up "i need to talk to you"

He looks at me and sighs "yeah I know... look I'm so sorry I lied to you, I just didn't think that you needed to know.. And I know hearing it from Jefferson would have been so much worse so I'm sorry.. the truth is yeah I loved him and spent a lot of time with him but there is nothing between us"

"Alec i care that you lied to be back then, you told me I was the love of your life, and the only one you needed then I find out that that was a lie and I was just another one of the people you fucked in college"

He sits on the bed in front of me "jack of course you're not, you are and always have been the most important person in my life.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was with Thomas then.. I didn't want to upset you, but I still should have toldyou, look I did love Thomas yeah but not much as I love you, I would have left him anyway, because he's not you, there's no way in any university your roles would be reversed"

I look at him and sighed "ok, I just don't want you to lie to me.. especially with something like that"

He nods and holds my hand "I'm so sorry" I nod and hug him "I love you so so much Jack seriously you're amazing and I don't want to Imagine my life without you"

I smile softly "I love you so much too" I pull him over next to me "I still need to talk to you though.. I talked to Washington"

"Oh? Did he offer you a job?" He asks, still holding my hand

"Kind of.. he said he wants me to go to South Carolina"

It's only a matter of timeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora