Chapter 25

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Tw: homophobia (slurs) abuse
John POV

"Jack you ducking f*g" Mary yells standing up. I look over at her, what the fuck that was so uncalled for. I look at Alexander, he looks guilty and worried. He said something

"Mary did Alex say something? Cuz he says a lot of shit that isn't true" i reply, everyone else looks just as confused as I am.

"You can't just fuck men that's not how it works, I should be able to flirt with  someone without worrying about if they're already fucking my brother!" Mary yells

"Mary! Watch your language and shit down" my dad says sternly, this should be fun "you shouldn't be flirting with anyone you're married so start acting like it. And John I don't give a shit how lonely you are I don't want you influencing my grandkids with this stupid fucking phase again, not to mention you are both working for the government and have no business breaking the laws like this"

"For fucks same Father you can't tell me who I can and can't be with, my relationships are none of your business or yours Mary or any of yours actually,  you're all so fucking stuck, you might be rich but you're pathetic and stupid" I argue.

Suddenly my dad strikes me across the face, I hardly even know it happens until I feel the sting on my cheek. The room is silent, my family learnt it's best not to say or do anything when this happens. I think Alexander and Peggy are just in shock a bit. "Don't talk to me like that boy" my father growls.

I look up at him, I used to be so scared of him, if this happened last time I saw him, which was before I moved to New York, I would be shaking with fear right now, probably begging for forgiveness, he'll I didn't see him for so many years cuz I was so scared of him. I don't know why but I don't feel like cowering away this time, sure I'm terrified as fuck of him and this is definitely gonna add some more family trauma but I'm not apologising "what're you gonna do to stop me old man?"

His eyes are filled with rage. He's gonna do something. He shoves me hard against the wall, making my head hit it, before I can recover and try to move away he punches me, which slams my head into the wall. I shove him away as hard as I can and go to walk away but he grabs me again  and throw me on the floor then kicks me over and over until someone steps in

Alex pulls him off him "mr Laurens I respectfully ask that you would leave my boyfriend alone and get the fuck out of this house, and so you're aware president Washington will be hearing about you're unmotivated attack on one of his soldiers" that's my stupid nerd, always pulling out the Washington card.

I get up and dust myself off, I have a mad headache but I'll be fine soon. "Eleanor, grab you're things we're leaving" he snaps and starts walking towards to door

I walk over to my mother and hugs her "I'll catch up with you again before I go, try to stay safe tonight, I heard mixing a few kinds of tea together can put someone to sleep" I smile

She laughs softly "you're a bad influence John" she wipes my cheek, guess I was bleeding a little. "You know I don't agree with you're father but I do want to you give your kids realistic expectations about relationships"

"I know I know, I'll be talking to them but all of them are years away from relationships"

"Eleanor! Now!" My father yells from the carriage outside

She sighs "alright I better go, Alexander I trust you'll look after my son?" She looks at Alex

"Of course" Alex smiles, my mother nods and leaves. I turn to my siblings. Mary doesn't look as pissed.

"Uh you know it's late Y'all should probably get home, or I guess if you need to stay here you can" Martha says.

"Um hang on, sorry are we not gonna talk about Jack standing up to father?" James asks. James is always difficult, he's not an asshole, he has some iffy moments and some bad opinions but he's generally well intentioned and cares about people, some hems he just doesn't do that in the right way. Also he's youngest, so I've always kinda been close with him, he used to love when I taught him how to fence. He was 6. He stabbed me 3 times. It was fun.

"I hate to agree with him but none of us have ever done that, not even now, why did you do that? You knew it would end badly" Mary adds

"Cuz he's a prick, and I wasn't gonna let him stand there and talk shit about me, I heard that enough in college" i reply, walking over to alex.

James walks over and hugs him "I'm glad you're happy again" I return the hug

"Thank you, now I'm gonna go to bed if you guys are staying keep quiet cuz the kids are asleep" I take Alex's hand and walk upstairs.

"Are you ok?" He asks when we get to my room and shut the door "that looked really bad, let me see your head" he walks over and takes out my hair "you're not bleeding so that's good"

"Lexi I'm fine I promise" I assume him but he doesn't seem convinced. He starts unbuttoning my shirt then looks at my side

"There's already bruise there, we should go to a doctor to make sure there not internal bleeding or broken ribs or anything" he says worried,

"Alex" I take his hands "if there was anything more serious wrong I would be in a lot more pain and I would tell you, but I promise I'm ok" I kiss his hands

"Okay.. I just hated watching that, I didn't know what to do, I knew your dad was horrible but you've never told me he was that bad, and how could your family just stand there?" He really worries to much,

"Well I would have told you if an opportunity was there but there wasn't .. but I would never get my family to step into that, we've all dealt with it before and they know it's better to stay out of it. And my mother.. she lives with him I don't want her getting on his bad side"  I explain, pulling him into my arms

"I don't mind that you didn't tell me, I get it, it's a hard topic to talk about, I just wish you didn't have to go through that, that's horrible" he looks at me before kissing me softly

I return the kiss and put my hand on his cheek "well then there's no need to talk about it anymore" 

He nods "well the to change the subject do you have plan for this week?"

"Yeah, tomorrow we're gonna go to our hotel, I've already booked and payed for our room, and well I thought we'd probably spend a fair amount of time i there but I can also show you around, we can go into the town with the kids if you want, and basically just do whatever we feel like"

He smirks "yeah? That hotel sounds pretty good right now" he leans in closer so our faces are inches apart

"Oh yeah? I guess just this once we could pretend we're already there" i reply, pulling him closer so our lips meet

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