There's No I in Team

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I made breakfast and walked upstairs to the bedroom. Addison, Charlie and Harry were all cuddled up with Ace laying at the bottom of the bed.

"Plain pancakes with bacon and maple syrup," I said handing Harry his plate.

"Thank you," Harry said.

"Chocolate chip pancakes and fruit with whipped cream," I said handing Addison and Charlie each a plate. "Here's your bacon bud," I gave Charlie a small dish.

"Thanks," Charlie smiled.

"Thank you," Addison said.

"Drinks are on the side by here. Ads, you've got coffee then there's 2 chocolate milks and an apple juice," I said.


I was running down the hallway with Charlie and Harry in my arms. Harry and Charlie sat down on one of the benches while I quickly began changing into my scrubs.

"The chief wants us to give George one of our interns?" Cristina asked.

"Except for Grey. She already lost O'Malley. And Sage lost Maxwell and Miller," Alex said. "Just dump your dead weight,"

"Oh, please. They're all dead weight that's why I need all four of them, not three," Cristina said. Lexie walked in with balloons, a basket of goodies and a coffee.

"George is filling out paperwork, getting his real live doctor wings, so I thought now would be a good time to decorate his locker," Lexie said.

"Give me that coffee," Cristina said.

"Okay," Lexie said.

"I don't even want the credit, but the clinical trial was my idea. And I had to beg him to do it, more than once," Meredith ranted. Derek and her's clinical trial was published but only mentioned Derek.

"It's okay you want the credit. I would want the credit," Izzie said.

"When you screw the attendings, you get screwed. They have all the power," Cristina said.

"Interns. You could screw interns," Lexie said.

"There are kids in the room. So let's not talk about screwing people," I said tying up my shoelaces. "Right are you two ready to go to daycare?" I asked the boys. They both nodded. Charlie held my hand and Harry opened his arms for me to pick him up. I scooped him up. I took them both to daycare before joining Bailey, Alex, Izzie, Cristina, Meredith, our interns and some attendings.

"Where are we going?" Izzie asked.

"You'll see when we get there," Bailey said.

"Dr Bailey, I'm actually on Dr Sloan's service today," Cristina said.

"Everyone's off their services. You're all with me," Bailey said.

"Where are we going?" George asked coming out from signing his paperwork.

"You'll see when we get there," We said.

"Dr Bailey, Dr Sloan is doing a trans palatal advancement. I've never seen one," Cristina said.

"Hahn said I could scrub in on her aortic bypass," Meredith said.

"And I really need to get to the clinic. I've staffed it with nurses and PAs, but I'm the only doctor on call, and I've got administrative work to ..."  Izzie was cut off by Bailey.

"Today is not about you. It is not about whose services you wish to be on. It's not about your career. This is about me. This is a project I've been working on for a long time, and it's very important to me, therefore it will be very important to you. And the only way we can pull this thing off is if we work together as a team, so today, you are not 15 individual doctors, you are one team of surgeons representing this hospital. Is everybody clear on that?" Dr Bailey asked. We all nodded.

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