Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

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I walked back into my apartment. Addison was sitting drinking coffee.

"Where did you go?" Addison asked.

"Running," I said.

"Have you been sleeping?" Addison asked.

"I've got to go shower. I leave at 5:15 if you want a ride to the hospital," I said walking to my bedroom.

"Sage Carson Taylor Sloan don't you walk away from me," Addison yelled. I chuckled getting in the shower.


I walked into the locker room and was met with stares from Izzie.

"What Stevens?" I asked.

"What sort of friend are you? You knew how Meredith felt about him. Why didn't you tell her he was married?" Izzie asked.

"It wasn't my place," I said. "It was none of my business,"

"Meredith's your friend," Izzie snapped getting my face. She slapped me knocking me backwards. "Where's your loyalty?"

"Loyalty? Back off Stevens. It's none of your fucking business. Yeah, I knew that Derek was married but it wasn't my place to make it public. He's my brother so if you're asking where my loyalty is it's with Derek and Addison. So if you want to hit me for that go ahead," I said. Izzie kept hitting me until I had enough and pushed her off me. I was about to walk out the door when Dr Bailey walked in.

"Ok, people, assignments. Sloan, you're in the pit," Dr Bailey said. I walked out before she could finish.


Alex and I went to check on Joe who was brought in last night after he collapsed on the floor of his bar.

"They told us you were in a nightgown, but I thought I'd come and see it for myself. Very nice, huh," Alex said to Joe.

"Heard O'Malley laid you out cold. Nice eye," Joe said to Alex. George punched Alex after finding out that Alex gave syph to Olivia before she slept with George. Tia, one of the floor nurses walked over and set a gift basket on the table at the end of Joe's bed. "Whoa, who sent that?" Joe asked.

"We all pitched in. The whole floor," Tia said.

"Well, please, tell the whole floor a big thank you," Joe said.

"Yeah, I will," Tia said leaving.

"Alex, Sage, you guys gotta get me out of here, man. Get me transferred to County Hospital or something," Joe said.

"Oh, you don't want to go to County. Here, they can kill you and bring you back, but at County, they just know how to kill you. No joke," Alex said.

"I can't afford this place, man. I'm gonna lose the bar," Joe said. Alex grabbed two chocolates from the gift basket. He handed me one and he ate the other.

"Ok, that's mine," Joe said.

"Well first start things first, we're gonna start by saving your life, man," I said.

"The bar is my life. You know that. You've been at last call with me, practically every night since you moved here. I'm gonna have to shut it down or sell it," Joe said.

"You can't do that. Place is an institution," Alex said. I nodded.

"You know, I've owned the bar across the street for 14 years, and I've never been inside this hospital till now," Joe said.

"Look, I'll pay my tab, right? That's gotta be good for something. How much is it?" Alex asked.

"Close to a grand," Joe said.

"How about I pay, like, 60? That's good. And I'll pay you back later," Alex said. Joe laughed. My pager went off.

"I'll be back later," I smiled.


I was outside smoking a cigarette. Dr Bailey walked out.

"Put that damn cigarette out," Dr Bailey said. I took one last drag before crushing the cigarette under my shoe.

"How can I help you, Dr Bailey?" I asked.

"You can start by telling me what happened to your face," Dr Bailey said.

"Loyalties," I said.

"Loyalties get your face looking like that?" Dr Bailey asked.

"It happened. It won't happen again," I said.

"Then get back to the pit," Dr Bailey said.

"Yes ma'am," I said popping a mint in my mouth. I walked back to the pit and helped with patients.


I walked into my apartment after coming back from the gym

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I walked into my apartment after coming back from the gym. Addison was sitting on the couch reading.

"Since when do you get in fights and not hit back?" Addison asked.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Grey," Addison said. "She told me you made no effort to stop Stevens from hitting you,"

"I've changed Ads. I'm not that kid who used to get kicked out of school for roughhousing with the seniors. I've been to war Ads I can take a hit from a trailer park rat," I said grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"I know. Now come sit," Addison said. I walked over and sat beside her. "Are you sleeping?"

"Not full nights but I do sleep," I said.

"You don't talk about it," Addison said. "You don't talk about what happened over there,"

"Not to my family but I do talk. I meet with a counsellor at the VA. If I can't make it or I need to talk. I call her," I said. Addison looked at me. "I'm okay. I'm working on it," I said. Addison smiled at me. "I'm going to-" I was cut off by the door knocking. I walked over to the door. I opened it to see Alex.

"Blondie, you're a player. There are nurses talking about you," Alex said walking in. He stopped when he saw Addison sat on the couch. "Damn," I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here devil baby?" I asked.

"Can I crash here?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Wow, you have matching black eyes. You really are a match made in hell," Addison said. Alex walked to the guest bedroom. I looked at Addison. "What? He's cute,"

"Not my type. Plus didn't you hear him? I'm busy keeping the nurses of Seattle Grace happy," I smirked. Addison chuckled.

"You sound like Mark," Addison smirked.

"The Sloan genes are strong but I am the superior one. Had you chosen me to sleep with you would know that," I said. Addison looked at me. "It's okay. You made a mistake. You can learn from it," I said. Addison smirked.

"Is that so?" Addison asked. I nodded. "Come on. Let's go to bed," Addison said.

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