Freedom pt 2

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The fire department managed to remove cement from Andy's chest so that we could begin to work.

"OK, Andy, we're ready to begin,"  Dr Webber said.

"Wait. Is she? Lola?" Andy asked.

"She ... I couldn't find her. She went to eat or something," Torres said.

"We need to start the catheter," Dr Bailey said.

"OK. Now, you're gonna feel some pressure," Dr Webber said.

"She didn't go to eat. She just didn't want to come, right?" Andy asked. "Lola likes to hang out with me. Or she did ... used to. Before I did this. Once, she almost ... There coulda been a kiss, but I chickened out," Andy said.

"Well, maybe you don't need to be kissing her," Torres said.

"No, I do. I do. I do need to be kissing her. My whole life is about kissing her," Andy said chuckling.

"Catheter's in," Bailey said.

"Guys are on their last piece of cement," Mark said.

"Thank God. The hard part's over, right? The hard part's over?" Andy asked.

"Get a crash cart ready," Dr Webber said.

"I've got calcium, D-50 and insulin. Ready," Hahn said.

"The hard part is over?" Andy asked.

"OK, there is a chance that when the nice gentlemen take off the final piece of cement there, on your abdomen, the toxins that have been building up underneath the concrete will rush to your heart, and you'll crash. Your heart will stop, and you'll stop breathing. But, no, there's no need to make that face because we will restart your heart, and we will put in a tube that will breathe for you and rush you to the OR," I said.

"We are good at what we do. Just, if you see the warm, welcoming light, do not go into it," Bailey said. Andy whimpered.

"Let's go," Mark said looking at the monitors.

"OK, we're gonna do this on three. OK. One," Dr Webber began.

"Watch the leads," Mark said.

"Two. Three," Webber said. The last pieces were removed and Andy started going. "There he goes," Webber said.

"Clear his airway," Mark said.

"All right. One. Two. Three," Dr Webber said as Mark and I picked Andy up setting him down on the hospital bed. "Easy, easy, easy," Webber said. We put Andy down on the bed. All of us gathered around him.

"Push the lidocaine," Callie said.

"Bailey," Dr Webber said.

"Got the intubation," Bailey said.

"Go," Dr Webber said.

"Dr Sloan, Dr Stevens is asking for you," Maxwell said. "It's about Dr Karev,"

"Tell Dr Stevens that unless Alex specifically requests me then he's fine," I said. "Repeat these exact words to her Alex will ask when he needs help," I said.


We were standing in surgery. We were 9 hours in and my pager kept going off.

"Dr Sloan, it's Dr Karev," A nurse said.

"Which Sloan?" Webber asked.

"Sage," The nurse said.

"Go. I got this," Torres said. I scrubbed out of surgery and rushed upstairs to find Alex.

"You were in surgery?" Alex asked.

"It's fine. They've got it covered. You need me. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Rebecca cut herself. I don't know what to do," Alex said.

"You do. You just don't want to make that call," I said. "So I'll make it for you," I said. I took the chart. A psych consult had been ordered.


I walked over to the bed where Rebecca was sitting.

"Rebecca. This is Dr Shapiro from our Psychiatric department. He's gonna be examining you while Alex and I go talk," I said. Alex and I walked away and sat in a hallway. We sat in silence with his head on my shoulder.

"I can take care of her," Alex said.

"Dude, let's be real. You look like shit. You smell like shit. You want to help her I get it but not at the cost of your own health," I said. "Crash at our place tonight. It's taco night," I said.

"Why do you care?" Alex asked.

"Cause you're like a brother to me. An annoying, stinky ass brother but a brother all the same," I said. "I'm here Alex. Let me be here for you," He put his head on my shoulder.

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