Winning a Battle, Losing the war

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I got to the hospital late. I headed to the scrub room and quickly changed into my scrubs before heading to find Bailey. I arrived at the ER. I pulled on a yellow gown and found Dr Bailey.

"Sorry I'm late I got stuck in traffic while trying not to kill a group of idiots on bikes," I said.

"Rules of trauma do you know them?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Sew fast, discharge fast and up to the OR even faster," I said.

"Good. No fighting over patients," Dr Bailey said. "Now go," I pulled on gloves and rushed over to a patient. I let the others fight over patients while I sutured up patients.


I was finishing suturing up a patient.

"Dr Sloan, we've got a kid with suspected appendicitis," A nurse Katie said.

"Let me just finish with Mrs Michaels here and I'm all your Katie," I said. "While I finish this can you fetch me the discharge papers for Mrs Michaels?"

"Of course Dr Sloan," Nurse Katie said. I finished dealing with Mrs Michaels.

"Okay, there we go all done, Mrs Michaels. Keep the suture site clean and come back in 5 days for me to remove them for you," I said handing her a leaflet while I finished her discharge papers.

"Thank you dear," Mrs Michaels said. I walked over to the young kid with suspected appendicitus.

"Hey, I'm Dr Sloan and I'll be your doctor for today," I said as Katie handed me his chart. "Nurse Katie tells me you've got some pain. Is it okay if I check it out?" The young kid nodded. I started feeling his abdomen.

"Am I going to be okay?" The little boy asked.

"Well you're in the best place to feel better," I said touching above his appendix. He groaned. "What's your name little man?"

"Tommy," The little boy said.

"Will he need surgery?" Tommy's mom asked.

"I'd like to do a couple of tests to confirm that it is appendicitis. Then we'll figure out the best way to deal with this," I said.

"Tests?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah tests and not like the tests you get in school. These test are to make sure you get the right treatment to make your pain better," I said.

"Okay. You can do your test," Tommy said.

"I'd like an ultrasound, bloods, urine test and lets order a CT," I said to Katie. "And page Dr Bailey," I said.

"Dr Bailey is in surgery," Katie said.

"Okay forget the page I'll speak to her after the tests," I said.


After running tests it was obvious that Tommy had appendicitis. I walked into the OR room where Dr Bailey was operating with my scrub cap and a mask on. I had Tommy's labs results in my hand.

"Dr Bailey. Sorry to interrupt but I've got a 9-year old boy down in the ER with appendicitis. I've done a blood test, urine, performed an ultrasound and sent him for a CT and I'm 97% sure he needs surgery," I said.

"Show me his test results," Dr Bailey said stepping away from the table. I walked out and held the chart out for her to read flicking the pages as she told me to do so. "He's not emergent but it does need to come out. Let's book an OR and get this boys appendix out today,"

"Okay. Thank you," I said. I walked upstairs to tell Tommy the news. "Alright Tommy your do have appendicitis and that does require surgery. He's not in any immediate danger of it ruputuring right now but we are going to take him to surgery,"

"Okay," Tommy's mom, Mrs Morgans said.

"Will it hurt?" Tommy asked.

"No. You won't feel a thing and you won't have a scar. You'll look good as new and you'll feel much better," I said.

"Do I get a lollipop?" Tommy asked.

"You can't have anything before your surgery but once your surgery is over I'm sure we can get you a lollipop. As long as it's alright with your Mom," I said with a smile. "I've got some other patients to help but if you need anything or if you have any questions have someone page me," I said.

"Thank you Dr Sloan," Mrs Morgans said.


I was standing besides Dr Bailey in the OR.

"Dr Sloan, want to close up?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Yes. I would love to," I said.

"Alright then," Dr Bailey said. "Get over here," I walked over and began suturing up Tommy's incision site. "How are you finding Seattle so far?"

"I haven't seen a lot of it but it's nice. I still prefer Manhattan but I'm sure it'll grow on me. Seattle rain is something else," I said.

"Those sutures are neat," Dr Bailey said.

"Are they okay?" I asked.

"They're impressive for a first year," The anaesthetist Dr Ross said. "Are you sure this is your first year?"

"First year as a surgeon but I worked as an combat medic for 8 years and you pick up a thing or two," I said finishing the last suture. We finished up and Dr Bailey and I were in the scrub room scrubbing out.

"Are you on call tonight?" Dr Bailey asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Keep an eye on him," Dr Bailey said.

"I will," I said.


I was at the nurses' station writing charts. Derek walked over.

"Dr Sloan, I heard you had your first surgery today," Derek said.

"An appendectomy on a 9-year-old kid," I said.

"Congratulations," Derek said.

"Thank you, Dr Shepherd," I said. Derek pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my head.

"I'm a proud big brother," Derek said. I smiled.

"Well, I'm awesome. You should be proud of me anyway," I said. "Not everyone graduates top of their class from Hopkins," Derek laughed.


Tommy had been transferred to a room in the pediatrics ward.

"How are you feeling little man?" I asked.

"Better. Thank you, Dr Sloan," Tommy smiled.

"Well a deal is a deal so I've got red, yellow, green or blue lollipops," I said pulling lollipops out of my labcoat pocket.

"Ooh, can I have blue please?" Tommy asked.

"Sure," I said handing him a blue lollipop. "Can I take a look?" Tommy nodded and lifted his gown.

"How does it look?" Tommy asked.

"Well it looks like you're going to be just fine," I said with a smile.

"Awesome. You're the best Dr Sloan," Tommy said. I smiled.

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