Freedom pt 1

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I had just finished rounds with mine and Alex's interns. He was off spending the day with Rebecca. I walked over to Izzie, George and Meredith.

"You're a crappy best friend," Izzie said to me.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"Rebecca is crazy," Izzie said.

"Alex is a grown man. He'll ask me if he needs help. We talked about this. I don't take advice from you about how to be a good friend. You sleep with your friends. The thought of sleeping with Alex physically makes me want to douse myself in alcohol and set myself on fire," I said.

"You're smiley and it's concerning," George said.

"She's getting married," Meredith said.

"Damn right am I getting married to the hottest woman on the planet," I said smiling.


I was paged to the pit. Torres was talking to a group of teens.

"Torres, what we got?" I asked.

"Trauma consult. A kid got dared to lay in a vat of cement. Trauma Room 3," Torres said. I walked into the trauma room. Bailey stood with a firefighter.

"Okay. Well, what do you want us to do first?" The fireman asked.

"I don't know," Bailey said.

"All right, look, we blasted him out of the job site, but we figured, don't blast him too close. But this is a lot of concrete, so if you're planning on treating him, we need to get started. So what do you want to do?" The fireman asked.

"I don't know!" Bailey snapped. The kid in the block of cement started to cry. "I'm sorry. Uh, okay, I-I know I'm not doing my best to instil a sense of confidence in my abilities. Um, you know, it's just that you are trapped in what I'm guessing is several tons of, cement and I've never seen a boy ... wait, how old are you?" Bailey asked.

"19," The kid said.

"Then you're a man then. I've never seen a man trapped in several tons of cement before. But now that I have, I'm gonna figure this out," Bailey said. "Okay, I'm ... I'm gonna work with other surgeons, and we're going to figure out a plan and we're going to save you. Okay, I never, ever promise life, but I'm promising this to you. Do you understand?"

"I do," The kid cried.

"Okay," Bailey said.

"Hey, I'm Dr Sloan. What's your name?" I asked.

"Andy," The kid said.

"Okay, Andy. The cement you're covered in will slowly start absorbing the water from your body but you need that water to survive so no more tears. You can yell. You can cuss but you can't cry," I said.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" Andy asked.

"No," I said. "But I'm sure these guys don't cut people out of cement on a regular basis,"


After Hahn, Torres, Bailey and Mark argued about Andy's treatment plan they finally agreed on a plan. The firefighters were working on slowly removing the cement while Mark was tending to the cement burns. Bailey was keeping tabs on his heart rate and bp. Torres and Hahn were checking his joints.

"What's that?" Andy asked.

"I'm pouring vinegar on your flesh to minimize the burns inside your skin caused by the cement," Mark said.

"I'm burning from the inside out? I'm dying. I'm dying, aren't I?" Andy asked as I began drilling holes in the cement with a hand drill.

"Hey, hey, Andrew. That word's not allowed anymore. I'm banning that word from your vocabulary," Bailey said.

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