Here Comes the Flood

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The boys had spent their first night with us and now we were going to the store to get snacks and food. We arrived at the store. Harry was holding Addison's hand as the pair walked in front. Charlie was sat in the cart holding his stuffed monkey.

"It's loud in here," Charlie said.

"I know. But you're okay. I'm right here and Addison and Harry are just by there," I said.

"I'm okay," Charlie said. I smiled and nodded.

"Now little man what snacks do you want?" I asked.

"I really like goldfish," Charlie said.

"Okay. Let's get you some goldfish," I said.

"Really?" Charlie asked.

"Really," I said. Charlie smiled as we stopped beside Addison and Harry.

"Sage, we can't reach the goldfish," Harry said.

"I'm getting goldfish too," Charlie smiled. I picked Harry up making robot sounds.

"I got it," Harry said. I set him down and he put his snacks in the shopping cart.

"My turn?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah. You ready?" I asked. Charlie nodded. Addison held his monkey for him while I picked him up making the same robot sounds. "You got it bud?" I asked.

"I got-" He was cut off by the bag falling on top of my head. "I'm sorry I'm really sorry," Charlie said. He looked scared so I lowered him.

"Hey. Calm down little man. I'm okay. It didn't hurt," I smiled at him. "I'm okay. I promise,"

"Promise?" Charlie asked.

"I promise," I said picking up the pack of goldfish. I handed them to Charlie. He put the pack in the cart.

"Are you getting back in the cart or do you want to walk?" Addison asked handing Charlie his stuffed Monkey.

"Walk please," Charlie said.

"Are you still going to walk?" Addison asked Harry. He nodded. Both boys held Addison's hands as we walked around the store. We finished in the store and went home.

I walked down the hallway. Meredith, Alex, Derek and Izzie started walking towards me.

"Sage, Meredith is kicking us out," Izzie said.

"The Montgomery-Sloan hotel is closed for at least the next 2 weeks," I said. "Until the boys and Emily and her baby settle in,"

"What? They're already there and you haven't invited me over yet?" Alex asked.

"We're letting them settle in first," I said. We walked into the auditorium for the Chief's meeting. I saw Addison with the boys. Alex and I walked over.

"Hey. Boys this is Alex," I said sitting down. Charlie sat on my lap with his stuffed monkey.

"Hi. I'm Harry," Harry beamed.

"Hey," Alex smiled. "What about you? What's your name?" Alex asked Charlie.

"Charlie and this is Mack," Charlie smiled holding his monkey.

"Cool monkey," Alex said.

"We're very busy people so I'll be brief. I set up a new protocol at Seattle Grace. Some of these rules are new and some are old and are going to be newly enforced. First, second and third-year residents will not be able to specialize. This practice interferes with the development of a complete surgical teaching. No more. Personal relationships, personal loyalties and personal favourites will no longer be a factor in our training program. Attendings, you will spread your wealth of knowledge equally among all of the residents. In addition, we will refocus our attention on patient communication and bedside manner. For some of us, this means learning the lost art of humanity and compassion. For others, means learning to treat patients while avoiding being too involved emotionally. This is a surgical program. Psychiatry is on the 5th floor. Do not mix the two. In addition, residents your interns reflect on you. If they fail, you fail. If they succeed, you succeed. Attendings, that goes for residents as well. Teach with enthusiasm. Learn with enthusiasm. We are surgeons. We cut out malignancies. Let's start at home, people," Dr Webber said.

We waited for the majority of the others to flood out before leaving.

"Are you leaving again?" Harry asked.

"I've got to go work but I'll see you both later. I promise," I said.


Alex and I walked over to George, Meredith, Cristina and Lexie who sat at a table with lunch trays.

"My guy with the aneurysm? He fell into the water, hit his head and got stuck in the scan," Alex said as we sat down.

"My patient is dying. I hate seeing the ones I like die," Meredith said.

"Our patient is living with pain. With a current of 8 for 7 years. Because of an inflamed nerve in his nose, it's crazy," Lexie said.

"I wish I had an inflamed nerve in the nose," George said.

"This guy hasn't lived with an eight. It's a wimp. His eight is a three for me, I bear the pain," Cristina said.

"You can't talk to my boyfriend for 10 minutes," Meredith said.

"There's pain and torture... And I endure the pain, go test me," Cristina said. Alex stood up and smacked her hand. "Nothing,"

"It's impressive," Alex said sitting back down.

"Shut up! You barely touched her," George said. Alex smacked his arm. "Ouch!" Alex then slapped Meredith's arm.

"Stop," Meredith said laughing.

"How did you diagnose this nerve because I have never heard of that?" Cristina asked Lexie.

"I remembered an article in the British Journal of ENT. Number 47, page 19, 1964. Photographic memory," Lexie said.

"Shit! Lexipédia," Alex said.

"I hate you," George said.

"Do not hate me, I can help you," Lexie said feeding George. Alex slapped my arm. I looked at him.

"0.25/10," I said.

"Respect," Alex said.


I was walking down the hallway with Meredith.

"You know how you guys do that thing were you come to me for advice? I'm gonna give you some advice without you asking this time," I said.

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Don't quit therapy. You can cut back but don't quit altogether. Even when things are perfect it's always nice to talk to someone. So what I'm really saying is you're not quitting therapy or I will physically carry you to Dr Wyatt's office," I said.


I got out of my car and walked up the drive. I walked into the house. Addison,Charlie and Harry were sitting on the couch watching a show. Harry got up and ran over.

"Hey," I smiled.  He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Hi," Harry smiled as I sat down beside Addison. The boys told me all about their day with Addison. I talked about my day and then the boys got distracted by a show on the tv. I looked at Addison who was smiling. I leaned over and kissed her.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss," Harry and Charlie chanted. Addison laughed. I leaned in to kiss her again. The boys giggled. Addison and I kissed both the boys on the cheek.

"Right, shall we get you two ready for bed time?" Addison asked. Harry had gone with Addison to have a bath and Charlie came in the shower with me. We got out and I wrapped him in a towel before setting him on the bed while I got changed.

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