Bring the Pain

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I stood outside the locker room in my scrubs. I zoned in when Addison walked over.

"Has anyone seen Dr Shepherd, this morning?" Addison asked.

"His name is on the OR board. He should be here somewhere," Dr Bailey said.

"OR 4 craniotomy started at 5:30," I said.

"Thank you," Addison said walking off.

"Rounds people," Dr Bailey said. We walked to one of Dr Shepherd's patients' rooms.

"Dr Bailey. Henry Lamott, age 42, is scheduled with Dr Shepherd for a spinal implant to control the pain of his herniated disc. Is allergic to all pain medication ..." Cristina trailed off at the sound of women giggling and laughing. We turned to look at the tv. "Is that...?"

"Porn," Mrs Lamott said.

"Porn? As in porn?!?!" Dr Bailey asked looking at the tv.

"All right. What are we watching?" Alex asked.

"Girl on girl? I bet that turns you on," I said to Alex.

"Karev! Sloan! Go stand in the hall," Dr Bailey said. Alex and I walked out. George was next to join us followed by Meredith, Izzie and Cristina. "Sloan, O'Malley, Karev, you're in the pit today. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on 2. Yang, keep an eye on the Lamott's. I don't want any problems. Go," Dr Bailey said. We all rushed off. I dealt with other patients while Alex and George worked on a GSW.


I was in the elevator when the doors opened. Alex and George wheeled in their GSW police officer.

"So, dude, what's the deal with Izzie?" Alex asked.

"She shaved her legs for you," George said.

"And?" Alex asked.

"And you didn't even kiss her goodnight," George said.

"She shaved her legs for you and you didn't follow through?" Pete asked.

"Come on Karev. Really?" I asked.

"Hey, I follow through. I always follow through," Alex defended.

"You didn't last night," George laughed.

"Mind your own business," Alex said.

"Mind... She had expectations. Women have expectations. And you didn't meet them. Hey, I live with these women and every time you guys don't meet their expectations, I have to hear about it. I didn't get any sleep last night. So you know it is my business," George said. The elevator stopped and the main lights cut out causing the smaller lights to kick in.

"Dude, we're not moving," Alex said.

"Really! You think?" George asked. George and Alex began to argue while Alex tried to pry the doors open and George kept pressing the alarm button. Pete groaned.

"His pressure is dropping," I said. Alex checked his pulse.

"There's a lot more blood in the pleurovac we need to get him to the OR," George whispered.

"Ok, you're whispering. Don't whisper. I mean, I don't wanna complain here, but I got a bullet in my chest and whispering isn't a sign I'm gonna be A-OK, you know?" Pete asked. George pulled out his stethoscope while Alex checked the emergency phone.

"Damn it. It's out," Alex said.

"It's bad. It's bad, right?" Pete asked.

"Someone is gonna get us out of here. Don't worry," George said.

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