I started to leave with the familia following but said person called out.

"Bell Cranel," Finn from the Loki familia called out, then looked at Lily in the back. "Actually, if it is alright may I have a word with Lily?"

"Go ahead,"

She seemed to glare at me from the corner of her eye but she sighed and went with the Prum.

"Are you sure it was right to just give her right away...?" Mikoto asked

"What? Did you want me to say no to one of the most popular adventures in Orario? Not to mention this crowd around us he was making it so we couldn't say no,"

"I wasn't talking about it in a logical sense, you know...What about how Lily feels?"

"She feels the same way as I do,"

(Lily POV)

'I understand Bell enough to understand why he said yes with the crowd and all but it would've been nice to have a little resistance,'

We were currently seated at the table where only Prums can enter.

"Sorry to call you out like this,"

"It's fine. What do you need from me?"

"I'll be blunt. Lily, I see that you are a smart person but also a prum that I respect. Given that I would like to ask you to marry me,"

"Quite the logical way to do a confession,"

"Well that's how you are as well is it not?"

He then grabbed onto my hands and grasped them while looking me in the eyes, any other person would have fallen in love then and there but...


"Sorry, Finn. But currently, I'm not interested in getting a marriage partner,"


"Alrighty then. I understand, if you change your mind though the offers always open,"

'At most of all...Weak-willed,'

I got up to leave and when I did I noticed Bell leaning against the door waiting.

My eyes widened. My heartbeat skyrocketed.

'Did he...Really come back for me?'

"Lily," He turned his head to me "What did you guys talk about? I assume it's something about joining him since he's known for his pride so if he gave you an offer or something I'll match it,"


While it was sad he didn't really come back for me, it was nice to know he at least wanted me around. That fact alone still made me happy.

"Well, he offered me a marriage proposal,"

We started to walk away as I said this, then a reaction I hadn't expected happened.

"You're not kidding right?"


I thought I was going to see him smile again as his lips almost curled up but instead, he just continued to look forward "Please told me that you kept the offer open,"


That moment of happiness was gone.

"Was that offer still open?"

I felt anger bubble over


He didn't seem shocked at all just continued staring at me.

"I do,"


I then ran off tears streaming from my eyes.

(Bell POV)


Think about what you all feel huh? Hesia mine as well be my follower at this point and loves me, Welf trusts me like a brother and I help him get more popular, Mikoto joined without my knowledge but I still saved her friend even if I didn't know it. And Haruhime had her life saved by me.

And you swore that you would follow whatever I want as well.

So, what is there that you still want? I give you things and I get things back in return. 

I then turned the other way and went back to the bar.

"Sorry, bud only Prums in here. Can't you read the sign?"

"I'll be quick,"

I sat down with Finn.

"Quite bold," He then told the bar manager to please excuse me for right now. "So, what can I do for you Bell Cranel?"

"Lily got flustered when I asked what happened and ran away before I could understand what happened so I'd just like to know as our familia's captain,"

The way I worded it made it seem like Lily was just hiding how she felt, and Finn she let out a small smile as well. This was of course to see if the offer was still open and if not if he could re-open it.

"It was a marriage proposal, she turned me down but it's nice to see that she might still consider,"

"Alright, thank you, Finn. I should go now before the boss throws a fit,"

"That would likely be best. Thank you Bell Cranel,"

I then left the bar and headed to back the mansion alone.

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