chapter 26

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Sophie's pov <3

I finish my walk in a daze, I cant believe this is happening. Everything blurrs and I end up at the portrait, mumbling the password I walk in.

Only the be yanked straight out of my nightmarish daydream by a hand pulling me to the side.

"Hey!" I call out

"Shut up!" Lee whisper-shouts and pus me into the corner of the common room.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I ask, kind of annoyed that I can't just go back up to my room in peace.

"You know how you said we brother and sister and we can tell eachother anything"he says recalling the interaction we had when we were 12.

"What the fuck?" I ask, so confused

"Do you or do you not know?!" He shakes me by my shoulders

"Yes I fucking know what is it??" What's wrong with Lee? Did he drink coffee?

"Come here" he drags my by my arm and up towards the boys dormitories.

The first door to the right says 1,2,3,4. He opens the door and pulls me in with him. The corridor was bright and messy with different things lying on the floor and on different shelfs. On the right a door is engraved with
Weasley, Weasley
Lee did turn to that door but instead to the one on the left.
Jordan, Clearwater

He opens the door and I am immediately hit with the smell of chocolate and smoke. The half room looks as if hut had been tipped upside-down and the other looks some what clean. I walk the post-earthquake looking side and sit on Lee's bed.

"Why didn't you tell my shit earlier? What is it" I ask. Mabye its important. Mabye I actally want to know what is up his ass.

He frowns at my first question and apparently chooses to ignore it

"I don't know how you gonna feel about this but I find this insanely funny and sort of exciting" he laughs sitting on the floor in the centre if the room next to a fat stack of what looks to be batman comics

"What is it Lee?" I smile suddenly feeling excited

"Okay okay so last night I was hanging out with neville and cedric and things got abit late so I got here at around 2am" he starts from the start. He always does that. In the end you just have to get used to it because there's no stopping him when he starts talking.

"Mhmm" I nod

"And when I got here fred had fucked off probably to Angelinas" he flicks a dred out of his eye


"And as I was you know getting ready for bed and stuff something started happening" he starts laughing really loud and stands up.

"Stop laughing" I laugh too crossing my legs

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry this is just going to sound so weird and so fucking funny" Lee continues laughing sits next to me on the bed.

"What?!" I say louder, my smile widening.

"George started talking in his sleep" He doesn't stop laughing.

"Oh, well what did he say then?" I calm down abit. I've heard george talk in his sleep before, it's quite funny but never a big deal like whatever Lee is trying to say

"I only heard two words and the rest he just mumbled and shit and I couldn't care less so I just went to bed and I only realised now that-" he breaks and just laughs loudly. The diamond studs in his ears glinting.

- Dying For You - George wealsey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now