chapter 13

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This chapter I gonna be a little different so hope you like it x

Briar pov x

Fuck. The nights nearly over and now i have to plan how everyone ( in the group that had originally gotten her with me) back home. I drank only a little during the night so I'm mostly fine.

Posidon is another fucking story.

I catch I glimpse off Angelina and Fred laughing in the campfire circle that had formed Earlier. I mean all that dancing can really wear a bitch out.

"Hey guys we've gotta leave now" I say gently, just incase there on cloud 9 with Sophie aswell.

"Really already?" Angelina asks almost shocked but still laughing.

"Time flys when your high off your shit now come one we said we old leave first"

"What about the others?" Ang asks standing up and brushing the dirt off her jeans

"They'll either get the next bus or if there late then hopefully they can apperate without being seen"

We start walking off together

"Sounds good, come on Freddie" she turns to fred and screams, effectively snapping him out off it. Her runs up to us.

"We going now?" His words slurring

"You know what just go to the buss stop, I'll get everyone there ASAP" I say quickly, they are just going to be total drags if I bring them along, no hate I love them it's just there so high they walk like snails.

"Okay I love you bye" Ang shouts loudly and fred and her laugh to themselves, walking down towards the small bus stop.

I see luna, ginny, angel, jess and Dora sitting with eachother and saying things they normally wouldn't or in Jessica's case absolutely would

"Hey guys" I notice Ginny and Luna are holding hands. I can't help but smile. I hope that goes well in the morning.

"Hi Briar" Luna says. The funny thing is you would never know luna was actually seeing stars right now, she looks and is acting her usual self.

"Its time to go now babes" I say sofly to all of them, most of them start to stand up. Luna lights a cigarette and stays leaning on that tree on the floor.

"You too lovegood" I laugh. My head spins but I keep composure, I am not getting fucking caught like this.

"Nobody would know I stay out here all night" her voice soft and the paleness of her skin reflected in the moonlight. She's a gorgeous girl but she needs to get home.

"You will when you get fucking pneumonia, now come on love up you get" I help her up and I send the group off to the bus stop.

I turn and next to the now the dieing fire is Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron lighting a cigarette on the fire. Fucking hell were do all the cigarettes come from.

"Come on guys it's time to head out" I say laughing at Ron who stupidly forgot to bring a lighter. Just looking at Hermione her eyes are red and her hair is frizzing. That's one girl that needs to get home.

"Fuck okay right" Harry springs up and starts collecting all his stuff. Hes always quick to leave, we all know his dad's not one to care but is mum sure is.

Hermione and Ron laughed at him and stood up too.

"Now just head over to the bus stop whilst I go find some others" I push Hermione a little.

"Okay okay whatever you say Mcgonagall" she laughs before running down the hill and towards the lights on the far away streets.

I the distance I can see Tia and Mia already walking down the stopped feild. Good less work for me.

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