Chapter 2

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Sophie's pov <3
It was later that day and I was in the gryfindor common room bored. I mean Come On your in a magical school with a shit ton of friends and your still bored?!. Suddenly and idea came to be but ofcourse I didn't want to do it alone.

I took my phone off the common room table and I was about to post a question on my private story when I got a notification. So I clicked on it. Hello there you fat hoe. It was a text that only one person would insist on calling me. I saved her name as bitch no.1 because ofcourse theres another minions following her around. What do you want Lavender. Me and lavender did not have good history and never will because she rude, selfish, and thinks its fun too ruin peoples lives. I went back to snap when I got another notification

This time I actually groaned outloud.

It read I don't want anything but could you do me a favour and tell me where george is??. She thinks that since me and George are not official dating means she can hit on him to make me jealous. Fuck off brown . I text back and forcefully decided that I would find george first because at this point it was quite obvious she was going to try and find him and then flirt with him and I honestly was having non of that.

It was the 9th March so thinks we're starting to warm up abit and I decide that this is the time to go short skirts. There always a reason to wear a short skirt. But also my subconscious self wanted to looked really good incase Lavender happened to find him first.

Where was this boy anyway?, I thought for a moment before I knew exactly where he was, I mean when you have know and been a part of there schemes for so long you can kind of just tell. I marched up to my dorm just to see Briar with a sowing machine. "Hi Sophie" She said softly and clearly not in a mood like she always is this early in the morning, she'd probably had some fresh air, coffee or some avocado toast ( cause it's her favourite) said without even looking up but smiling never the less ( proving my point that she's safe to be around). "Hi Briar, what you making this time? " I said looking over her shoulders, making sure that I'm jentle because as you know shes quite fragile in the morning. "I'm making a dress for angel cause its her birthday " she smiles, already proud of herself. "How thoughtful " I said whilst hugging her shoulders, then scurrying away to find something to wear.

I chose to wear an old black band t-shirt that george had bout me last year,I wondered if head remember although he would never say it out loud, on a shopping trip and a mini denim skirt

The outfit <3

Jess walked in as I was tieing my laces

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Jess walked in as I was tieing my laces. "Oooo going somewhere??" She asked smiley widely ( Jess is and always has been a morning person so I was used to her speaking loudly at 7am come to think of it why is george out so early he isn't really a morning person and neither is Fred ). "Yes I am but mostly cause of Lavender trying to get with george " I let it out with a sigh. Briar stopped sowing and turned. "God your still worried about that? It doesn't matter that Lavender is hittingon him he still and only likes you and also I swear you two were already fucking??" Briar said quite loudly. " plus your way fitter than brown I mean Come On! " Jess exclaimed (throwing her head back and nearly hitting the door frame over dramatically), I would probably never tell her but I think her and fred would make a great friends. I mean she was fierce, sassy, over dramatic, and really good quiditch players

"I know like have you seen me " I smile leaving the dorm room. As I was making my way outside I bumped into Hermione Granger.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Hermione " I said to the girl
"Oh its nothing" She replied calmly
" do you mind if I speak to you later I'm currently really busy " she always seems to have some really good advice and at this point I and desperately looking for some.
"Yeah ofcourse no problem " she smiled
"Bye!" We said at the same time.

Now I can focus on trying to get to george.

Georges pov <3

"Finally were here!" Fred groaned as he collapsed into one of the stands benches. "Its only a few minutes minutes away from the castle" I tried to reason with him but he just huffed and said "Well it's 7 in the fucking morning". "Okay this time I think we should prank Snape! " said fred suddenly really exited a definite change in tune.

" Yeah but how?" I asked ,knowing he already had a plan but I couldn't spoil his excitement, taking a hit out of the vape I put in my back pocket."Okay I have a bucket of slime, a couple of dund bombs, a smoke bomb and- he was cut off by someone walking up the quiditchs stands creaking stairs

"Hi Fred hi George!" Sophie appeared infront of us. She was really pretty, ethereal infact. I looked down at her and I realised she was the hoodie that I got her last year. I felt my face heating up and immediately turned away and went to sit back on the stand benches.

Fred was saying something but I just picked up my phone and started looking through the

Lavender_alwaysxox added you on snap

I didn't really think anything of it, she could get quite annoying sometimes but she had never done anything personal so I added her back. I put my phone down and walked over to the two

"Sorry guys,Hi Sophie" I said hugging her tightly, she was really warm and she always smells nice.She always tries a new perfume every week and sees if I could guess the scent

"vanilla and cherry's?" I whispered in her ear "how'd you know?" She whispered back. I could almost feel the smile on her lips

I let her go and took a step back. "Anyways what are you two doing here?" She asked softly. Her voice is always soft and she spoke sweetly but not too sweet just right. Her voice always sounds magical and almost dream like.

"We were planning on planning on pranking Snape!" Fred cut in clearly very enthusiastic about the topic. I looked at my twin brother then back at Sophie.

She was already looking at me and her eyes were so perfect. They reflected light so well and really brought out her wonderfully soft hair.

She just giggled and i chuckled slightly, I mean who couldn't laugh after that I mean she was so mesmerising. "Whattt the actual fuck is so funny?? why are you laughing ?!?" Fred almost whined clearly very disturbed by the whole situation.

We just broke out in laughter,even Fred had to laugh. My eyes strayed over the pitch as I began to catch my breath and then I caught something move. Huh?? Who would come too the quiditch pitch at breakfast time?

They were looking at us and briskly walking over to us. Sophie,by this time, had noticed and oh did she not look happy.

in the next chapter there's going to be drama and your gonna find out who are her enemies and how many more can she make...

*1289 words*

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