chapter 23

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Sophie's pov <3

"Hi minne" I walk down the hall, passing her office, and see her standing in the doorway

"Hello Sophie dear, can I speak with you in my office please" she says with a small, relaxed smile

Oh shit

"Sure minne but I need to get to charms soon" I try to exuse myself, looking down towards the hall longingly. I'd rather be in charms then get a detention for whatever I have done this time.

"It will only be a short while" she steps aside, her cloke swishing behind her, inviting me in.

"So what's up?" I sit on one of the brown thing of draws is her office

She sits at the desk of her chair, not even asking me to get off her draws and come sit down, staring at me with twinkling and happy eyes.

"Now you know that your year is by far my favourite year to teach" she openly says as she has done so many times before. It's true we are the best.

"I'm well aware" I laugh and put my bag on the floor and cross my legs

"Well I realised that you haven't been history of magic, potions, or a single assembly in over a month" she smiles, folding her arms.

Well it took her a while but she knows now.

"Now minne I can explain" I try to justify myself.

"I'm sure you can but there's no need" she stops me. Weird, normally she would listen to whatever dumb exuse I pull out my ass

"So why am I not in charms right now?" I chuckle and raise my eyebrows whilst looking at her looking at her

"Because I want to make a compromise" she leans backwards on her chair

"What kind of compromise?"

"If you go to all your classes until break and you go to next assembly nobody will have to know about this"

I dont really mind if some other professor find out, it doesn't really bother me anymore.

"Well I dont really mind" I shrug

"Nobody will have to know where you have been for the last 6 weeks and nobody will have to shut down and spell the areas"

I just can't let her shut down all my favourite skipping areas. It's just not fair on me or the others. I mean where would we go?

"Deal" I say immigration

"Good, and that applies for all of the others who have been accompanying you" she imputs. No way sneaking around this one.

"I'll let them know" I get up, get my bag, and walk to the door.

"Also the assembly is for formal uniform attire" she calls, reminding me


"I'll be watching" she smiles

"Sure you will minne" I walk out the door

"Now off to lesson quickly" she rushes now standing in the doorway again

"See you later!"

*479 words*

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