Chapter 1

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"Hey Sophie" I heard a deep almost magical voice calling. I turned and it was George. He was still in his robes and we were facing eachother on the astronomy tower that look to be in the dead of night. I could still see his phone and the vape that he was previously using now on the ledge. Suddenly he started walking towards me,until he was standing right next to me,towering over me.

"Hi George " I said in almost a weak and faint voice, sounding like I was far away. He put his hand on my neck and stroke my cheek with his thumb. It was magical and it was so much fun and he was leaning and he was about to kiss me and and and

I rolled over and hit the floor.splash. "AHHHH" I screamed jumping up. I wipped the freezing cold water from my eyes and looked around and realised I was in fred and georges room ( when you walk into a dorm room there a door forwards that leads to the bathroom and 2 doors either side that lead to a room for 2 roomates to share )

I heard george shuffling in the bed that I was just on and I turned just to here him laughing in a ( really cute ) morning voice. " Now how'd you manage to do that sweetheart " he said with a chuckle.

Within closer observation a realize that I was in George's hoodie, quite literally soaked." What was that for" I looked over at Fred's bed but there was no reply "and were we doing last night " I asked. I just couldn't seem to remember. " We had a movie night with everybody but the syltherins cause they refused to watch anything but horror films so they could try and scare the first years" I just rolled my eyes and giggled. It all came back to me and I realised how much fun I'd had with my friends last night included when Lee actually cried cause fred put his fresh vape In a cup of water.

Still tired I sat on his bed in a daze when Suddenly I was being tickled. I couldn't contain me screams as I tried to fight him off.

"can you please Shut Up!!" We heard a grumble from the end of the room and look over at Fred's bed."sorry" we said as we secretly rolled our eyes " I mean Come On its only 8am on a Sunday do you Really need to be screaming" he asked seeming more awake with every word,he deffinetly was not going to sleep after this, " ask your brother why I'm screaming "obviously george took this in a very different way than I did and started to go really red in the face. Fred turned around in his bed and just broke out in a laughing fit. He was laughing so loud I couldn't even hear what he was trying to say.

I ended up just getting up taking of the hoodie and grabbing my bag to go change in the dorms bathroom.

I changed into a grey lacey tank top and a pair of joggers ( that I had secretly grabbed from the dresser ) that obviously belonged to george

The outfit <3

I casually walked back into the room , phone in hand , and sat on the end of the bed that I practically shared with george

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I casually walked back into the room , phone in hand , and sat on the end of the bed that I practically shared with george

I share a bed with george and all that stuff but does george actually like me in that way? Does he feel the same? Cause just has to know that I've liked him since 3rd year and we are going to be here for alot longer. You stay in hogwarts until your in 11th year then you have the opportunity to go to college,work,do both or go to sixth form(we all decide we were all going to do six form whilst doing something else indivusally) I don't know what im going to do whilst im in sixth form but I know that fred and george have wanted to run a joke shop since they saw Zonko's! That aside I was 12 when I started liking him and now I'm 15! And I just can't get enough of him.

"Quite are we?" I heard from behind me as my phone got snatched and thrown back on the bed. "Hey!" I shouted in protest. He just chucked and got out of bed. Ofcourse this guy was shirtless and fuck he looked like a god. He walked over to Fred's bedside table grabbed a glass of water and downed the whole thing. " Hey I was going to drink that!" Him and george argued abit more and I just couldn't help myself from staring like he was so fucking hot and for what him to want us to be "just friends "

"Your staring " Fred smirked at me then looked at george who was already smirking at me. "Am fucking not" I said quite loudly looking up from the completely black screen of my phone that I had picked up earlier. George began to walk over and I got shivers.

He lifted my chin with his hand and looked down at me. He leaned in and kissed my forehead."Are fucking too". Then his phone started ringing. He picked it up of his pillow and walked towards the door, opened his bedside table and snatched a small white box that was probably a vape i mean everyone vapes quite alot around here cause the magic ones are just like the ones muggles have but the dont internally harm you in any way. As he touched the doorknob he turned and winked at me.

I flopped back on the bed, huffed and closed my eyes. I heard fred closing the door behind him.

God this boy is gonna be the death of me

*979 words*

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